Weekly Sunday Post

Apr 03, 2016 23:42

Hey! Third week in a row! Look at me go!

Not too much to report. My house started the week a complete and total disaster area. I've downgraded it to just a total disaster area. Kitchen renovations and my husband's need to jumpstart before I can organize are the culprits. The good news, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Plaster repairs are done so we are slowly getting to the painting. Which is a pain because I can only do one wall at time because of having to move appliances around. But if things go well most of it should be done before my parents arrive on Friday. Here's hoping.

New job still going well. I've decided I definitely do not like putting out new magazines and cleaning that area up. I am way too OCD to work in that section, lol. But I'm enjoying my time there and some of the titles of books that I have come across just make me giggle.

On the writing front. Sorry if any of you got bombarded with TtH and AO3 notifications. I'm trying to get everything uploaded from where some of these fics have only been hanging out on my LJ. But I did get the next part of the Buffy/Bones series up, so yay! I'm hoping to start working on my heroine big bang fic this week, which is a Buffy/Steve fic crossing BtVS/Marvel MCU.

Cheers to all!

fics, rl, real life

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