Apr 26, 2007 01:15
So today I realized, or it was brought to my attention and I realized it was true, that I go on at least one feminist or environmentalist rant a day (sometimes its even an eco-feminist rant about how the rape of the earth mirrors the rape and violation women have experienced forever, that's on a good day). I guess that won't really be news to any of you people, but it is news to me; I had no idea I was so predictable. Today I talked for 30 minutes about infant mortality rates before I even realized I was ranting, (P.S. the US is not the #1 best at keeping its infants alive, in fact it's more like 41st after Cuba and South Korea), and then I noticed that almost everyone I was talking to had fallen asleep...umm well I should have expected that, I was reading through the entire list of all the countries in the world and their infant mortality rates (I got the list at the CIA's own fucking website, so if anything 41 is probably too good for the US).
But it's all because I am excited!!! I am working as an apprentice doula this summer for the San Francisco Doula Group and I can't wait. Six doulas are members and I get to shadow all of them to births. And I am getting CERTIFIED this summer!
Otherwise my stress is sky-rocketing, but I only have to put up with it for two more weeks and then HOME!
(p.s. can't wait to see you NYU kiddies!!!!!!!)
(p.p.s. I realize there are many exclamation points in this entry and I'm ok with that)