Sorry I missed the "real" last Bee post, but for some reason lj wasn't on my priorities list yesterday.
Christmas in retail makes me want to kill things. I am a calm, non-violent person. I am polite and customer oriented (in that I don't outrightly tell them how stupid they are, but rather subtly hint at it and say things that go over their heads that only my co-workers understand) but working at Spencer's, at the mall, during Christmas is one of the worst experiences of my life and turns me into a cruel people hater. I hate them. All of them. At one point or another, I've hated YOU. Maybe not you specifically, but something that you've done at a store.
Maybe you left your half full foodcourt cup on a rack next to the vibrators. Maybe you picked up a book, flipped through it then just dropped it on the floor when putting it back on the display would have actually been easier. Maybe you like to pull out t-shirts and check them against yourself to see if they'd fit. . . One by one systematically destroying the hours of work it took to properly fold and size the shirts that sit in the t-shirt cubes. Maybe you just ask stupid questions. "Where is your playboy purses," is my favorite. Yes, where IS your playboy purses. It's bad enough that I even have to sell the things, but when someone comes in (invariable fat and/or ugly) asking for one they can't use proper grammar. I know I often screw up the "to"s in my writing, but for fuck's sake, at least I KNOW that I do it, and when speaking use the proper conjugation of verbs when asking questions.
SO. Where Christmas is a time of joy and love for most, it is a time of anger and violence for me. It interferes with my daily life. It makes me bitter and resentful of the human species.
I especially hate Juggalos.
Of course, that's just all the time.
They smell bad.
My final rant/post/torture,