Okay, you want war on bots, let's go nuclear on them

Jul 06, 2011 18:14

I'm sick and tired of getting spam "comments" on my blog that some bot has put there. Whoever programmed these bots and turned them loose has to know that only we can see those shitty excuses for comments on our posts unless and until we decide to unscreen them; that we will never unscreen them; and that we will instead delete them with extreme prejudice. May Hermes permanently scramble all their brains; may every police agency in the world descend on them and haul them off to jail for spamming us; may every drug they take turn out to be 100,000 mcg of bad LSD; may the bird of paradise fly up their collective nose; may they all discover runners in their hose; may the elephant caress them with his toes; may the bird of paradise fly up their nose! So there.

spammers, bots, livejournal, bastards, @!$%^&##!!?!, assholes, stupid human tricks, hate

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