Pat Condell - Let's blame the Jews

May 27, 2011 10:28

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The incomparable Pat Condell takes on antisemitism -- with a vengeance.

Nota bene: While in centuries past the Roman Catholic Church has at times participated in pogroms against the Jews, the modern Church has cleaned it up, and in fact Pope Benedict and other modern Popes have made it clear that Catholic doctrine finds religious and ethnic bigotry abominable. Pope Benedict has said that neither he nor any enlightened Roman Catholics believe that people who are not Roman Catholics will go to Hell -- a far cry from Muslims, who believe that all non-Muslims are damned, not to mention certain fundamentalist Protestant Christian sects that believe that all non-Christians will go to hell . . . including Roman Catholics, Mormons, and other Christians who don't belong to their variety of Christianity. And while we're at it, while Pat Condell is cool, I've met far too many atheists, including my own adoptive father, who were a) monsters and b) vicious bigots. As always, the problem is people, not any one variety of them (although in the case of Islam, I'll make an exception: we've got a real problem here, folks, and wishing so won't make it go away). Yes, some Christians and a few Christian sects are antisemitic -- and they're also anti-Catholic, anti-Buddhist, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-anything they don't understand or find in their versions of the Bible. But you can find such bigotry among individuals all over the world. Only Islam, however, teaches that all Muslims must hate and murder all Jews, and Muslim parents are supposed to teach their children that from the time those children are old enough to understand what their parents are saying. Mohammed, the founder of Islam, happened to hate Jews, and therefore all Muslims are supposed to hate Jews, as well, because they believe that whatever Mohammed did, they must do if at all possible. Pat Condell is right on the money about the murderous antisemitism of Islam. Wake up, people -- the liberals are dead wrong: Rather than being baseless bigotry, Islamophobia is an appropriate reaction to a real and terrible threat. If Muslims want Islamophobia to go away, they will have to change Islam themselves, from within, because no one else can change it from without.

europe, the religion of perpetual outrage, muslims, pat condell, antisemitism, videos, jews

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