This morning I woke up from a dream that several others and I discovered that a white, blobby thing around 8" across turned up in the yard of the house where we were staying. It looked like some vast white blood cell shaped like a loaf of bread.
We took whatever-it-was into the house and put it in a tub in the laundry room. It began to produce little dark-brown versions of itself about two to two-and-a-half inches long with two little intensely bright-blue eyes, each little bigger than a pin-head, at the front. These offspring, if that's what they were, for all the world looked and acted exactly like little animated turds, moving around like organic go-karts, emitting tiny mewling cries a little like those of newborn kittens -- imagine dark-brown slugs with tiny blue eyes in front, and you've got it (except for the mewing). They quested about the room, hunting for things to eat. There were piles of clothing on the floor, and they headed for those.
We started rounding them up and corraling them in cloth shopping bags, which we then took outside to throw into the nearby ocean. As I woke up, we almost had them all collected, ready for the ocean. But perhaps we should have burned them, instead -- they were trying to eat just about everything around them, including furniture, clothing, and other non-food items, and once in the ocean, they might have been able to devour everything alive in it. Plus, I don't think anyone thought to do anything about the "mother," the original white thing that produced them all. It was sort of like an up-to-date version of
The Blob.
I wonder if the dream is a symbolic representation of cancer (the disease).