jordan179 - Palestinians Celebrate the Murder of Jewish Children This link (,7340,L-4041106,00.html) to "Gaza celebrates; Fayyad condemns terror attack," by Elior Levy on YNet, comes from mosinging1986 at As you may be aware, knife-wielding Palestinians murdered five West Bank Jewish settlers in their family home in their sleep. The victims included three children, one of them a baby. Due to the nature of the weapons used in the atack, the murders of these civilians were most definitely intentional, and cannot in any way be considered accidental or "collateral damage." . . .
jordan179 - Baron_Waste's Apology for Evil baron_waste explains here why the murder of the Jewish settlers, including the baby, is all just the fault of Israel, and the Palestinians are just doing what anyone would do. Read this here -- I encourage comments. . . .
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Abominations like those perpetrated by Hamas and defended by assholes like
baron_waste make me itch to emulate Vlad Drakul and visit hell on the heads of such monsters. Cherishing civilization as I do, however, of course I will bypass that sort of reaction -- and go straight on to some plain and fancy hexes that . . . well, I plead
the Fifth.