Tory Talks with Kevin Brady : XENU TV

May 08, 2010 17:50

Kevin Brady was in Scientology for 7 years, on staff for 2 and left in the mid 90’s.

This is an interview about his experiences both on staff, as a Scientologist and as a ex-Scientologist after he left.

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You know, in 1993, James Hillman published We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy--And the World's Getting Worse. And the world still hasn't gotten any better. The first edition of L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics was published in 1950 -- sixty years ago -- and the world not only hasn't gotten any better since then, it's become considerably worse. I definitely see a pattern here. And while psychotherapy definitely has its ups and downs, at least its practitioners are ultimately answerable to the law for any significant harm they do to patients. Way too much of the time, that doesn't seem to be true of Scientology. In only half the time, Scientology has done a hundred times the harm psychotherapy has ever done. That's one hell of a track record, you know?

scientology, xenu tv, videos

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