Even More Character Memes

Sep 09, 2008 13:41

So, yeah...Jeremy's virtue is friggin' sick. I would like to thank it, and the Jack Knack, plus some darn good acting, for his successful snatch-and-grab operation during our last 7th Sea session. Congratulations, Jeremy, you are now in possession of your own personal cursed engagement ring. Sorry, Marshall McCodrum, you've been had.

In other news: more character questions for Jeremy, Max Intel and Professor Quoz! (not in that order)


1. What is your full name?

Jeremy Greenwood.

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

Well, understand that most of these I cannot really partake in right now. But I do love exploring new places, especially in foreign countries. I enjoy learning new crafts and dabbling in all sorts of things and trying local cuisines. Besides "trying something new," I enjoy reading or listening to the old tales and climbing trees. When I feel like stretching my mental muscles, I sometimes read books on economic theory. I particularly enjoy taking part in rousing country dances and reels.

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

Oh my. 'Despise' is an awfully strong word, don't you think? I'm not sure if there is anyone I personally know whom I can safely say I 'despise.' It's more a word I reserve for concepts than people. Perhaps Empereur Leon? That's my best answer. But I don't know him personally, so I'm really despising the public face he puts forward.

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

My mother is Lady Aileen Greenwood. She is well-read, sharp-minded and strong-willed. I guess one could say she likes keeping herself busy. She doesn't like to just "sit around and look pretty," as some women in her position do. She runs the household well, and knows when to be firm and when to be compassionate. She keeps herself informed on the family business. When my father and I were away on extended trips, she would act in his stead as the de facto seneschal of our lands. Whenever I got into trouble as a boy, discipline would be handed down mostly by her, and for that I thank her for making me into the person I am today--though I can't say I was quite as grateful at the time! *smiles* She doesn't go much for impractical ornamentation for herself--any jewelry she wears is simple, and she flat-out refuses to wear anything that would impede her ability to move.

She loves fresh-cut flower arrangements, and our house was often full of them. It is her one bit of ostentatious luxury--though she is just as fond of wildflowers as she is of the finer stuff one can get in Carleon's shops. When she does have free time, she enjoys reading history books and playing the piano. A particularly well-beloved hobby of hers is to transcribe and convert the songs of the common people into the style of courtly music, and see who can guess which song it originally was. I remember the wry grin she used to get when we would entertain some particularly pompous nobility, and they wouldn't realize that that "elegant little piece" she was playing was originally a bawdy peasant song she heard at a harvest festival.

I don't know how she is doing right now. I miss her a great deal, and I know I must have given her a great deal of worry and sorrow.

As for my father...well. His name is Lord Malcolm Greenwood. He is a businessman. He is very good at what he does. He taught me a great deal about running a business. He treated me well and encouraged me in my studies, my explorations and my glamour. For all that we were once...very close, I cannot say I know him as well as I thought I did. It seems he values his secrets over the happiness of his own son. I hope he's happy with what his life has given him.

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

I would never take the life of an innocent person. In fact, I would never take the life of a not-so-innocent person, unless I had absolute proof that they were willfully unrepentant and a clear and present danger to others, and there was no other practical way to stop or restrain them. I have said this before, but I believe that human life is the greatest gift a person can have, and it is only under very extenuating circumstances that I believe it is right to take that away.

I also refuse to protect or better myself if it is knowingly at the expense of the suffering of an innocent human being--for the same reason as above.

Professor Quoz

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

The Fraternal Order of Grand Kooks. That, and my pet fish Fishy.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

1) Return any library books and rental movies to their proper dispensary buildings.
2) Position my frozen friend at the top of a hill and set him rolling down, just to see what happens. I believe it will be quite spectacular.
3) And if I have time left, I will have one last cup of darjeeling.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.

Oh no, I am quite the bachelor for life!

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

I am an organic being of the order Homo Sapiens, consisting of a calcium skeletal frame overlaid with soft tissues of various kinds. I smell vaguely of tea leaves and ozone. My hair is on top of my head. My height goes only so high as same. I weigh about one Quozo-gram. As for my style of dress: pants first, then shirt, then socks and shoes. Hat is placed on the head last.

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

Oh, I didn't go in much for popularity. Then again, my peers in this dimension were unused to quantum anomalies. Needless to say, my attempts to introduce them to the joys of Re'likkian Quantum Baseball did not go over well. I had more spectators than friends. In fact, the only friend I had before reaching full kookdom was a girl named Lily. We would throw berries at each other, hold screaming contests, and tune our breakfast muffins to specific molecular frequencies as a means of secret communication. And she didn't mind interdimensional travel in the least.

Max Intel

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

I loved playing video games. And taking things apart, like clocks and radios, and putting them back together. I had a lot of legos, too.

73. What is your favorite food?

Grilled cheese sandwiches.

41. What is your greatest fear?

That I'll be killed in some crazy supervillain battle. Any sensible person would be.

(Author's note: Max isn't quite self-aware enough, so this answer is a little inaccurate. He fears this, true, but if you get down to his greatest, deepest fear, it's that the things he believes in [his own talents, Popsicleman's determination] won't be enough to win the day. He fears his cynical outlook will be proven right.)

10. Are you right- or left-handed?


77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

Hah! Good one. Look, I don't have much of a social life, if you couldn't tell. Usually I'm working on some project--maintaining the Ice Creamer, building some new gadget for Popsicleman to use, whatever. If I've got nothing to do, I'll probably channel-surf, or maybe do a little knitting. Possibly both.

rpgs, 7th sea, meme

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