Dec 03, 2008 00:20
Heya Pete,
So Thanksgiving was nice, but I am really beginning to miss the east coast where a lot of my friends from when I was younger and family are. I was actually in Michigan all across the lower part of the state from Detroit to as far west as Holland and then in between. My friend who was graduated my freshman year got married the Friday after Thanksgiving and then I also spent a day w/ w/ the Sklut's which was real nice since I was with them for about a month before moving out here. The little cousins which I baby-sat one day also came over and it was really fun to play with them again! It snowed which was fun because it is actually abnormally warmer this season than ever before here in Colorado...or so they tell me. But heck, I'm not complaining yet since I was able to run outside this morning in shorts and a t-shirt!
So Denver would be absolutely wonderful, except it does get tough when you don't have a job nor a solid base of friends to fellowship with. I did meet some really good people at this church I started going to and I've hung out w/ them a handful of times but nothing has really clicked just yet, except for one girl, but still it's not to that point where I am comfortable to just call and chat.
It hit me at a very silly moment tonight when I was eating the dinner that I had made, as I stuck my fork into a carrot on my plate of pasta, I was suddenly very evidently lonely! I suppose I try to ignore that fact by constantly keeping myself mentally/physically occupied filling the in between moments with the white noises of music constantly playing in the background, making a phone call while walking, iPod when longboarding somewhere, reading a book while eating, etc. I really think the lyrics "it doesn't matter where but who your with that really matters" really exploded onto my dining table at that moment. :oP
A lot of it is just that I don't have a job so it leaves me with much time to do a lot of living but the living comes second to being preoccupied with the thought of not having a job or that I should be constantly looking for a job. Well, I've been cooking pretty often since eating out isn't really an option I fancy very often! So at the very least, my cooking muscles are still in shape.
I don't know how frequently you check your e-mail, but I thought we could exchange thoughts on things.. any thing! But supplement that with a verse/verses that may be relevant or expresses ways in which I am attempting to live a life that God has called me tom which I have to say, has been pretty difficult. And since I think about quite often as to how you've been so huge in my drawing closer to God, relying on Him for all things and you've mentioned maybe a few times that perhaps you may grow from it too this would be a decent idea.
Anyways, I had high hopes of writing a few more cover letters tonight but I am, yet again, getting tired from a day of...not very much or so it seems! but to start things off:
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.-John 16:33
I find that this lack of a job is one of the biggest troubles in life. I know it sounds silly especially when you are over there serving in the PC but, seriously! Job = financial security, and financial security in our society practically = life. So this is a pretty big hurdle for me...but then I know I can't stand here and say, "What up, God! I believe in you so know you'll take care of me" without doing something first. Finding the motivation is hard even though I think I'm on the edge of things here so it's about time to move.
Talking about this reminds me of how I felt in the middle of the summer when I was so concerned with what I was going to do come the end of August, but God proved to move in ways that left me floored. So what will it take for me to have peace in knowing that He never left me? Anyways, I'm getting tired so I may be rambling now.
Nonetheless, I hope you have a super-great day and will talk to you soon!