I've been breeding shiny starter pokemon, and decided to do a small giveaway. Every starter is available, and they were all RNG bred and clones of the original shiny starter that was bred. Fodder is more than okay, but if anyone has any female dw pokemon that would be lovely. Most were sent over from 4th gen and cannot be renamed, so the names are
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Hey guys! I'm missing some starters from my black and white game, so I was wondering if you guys would have any at hand? 8D;; I have other starters from the previous generations, so yeah! (I also don't mind just giving them away either, so fodder is acceptable ~) Hope we can help each other out ;]
I'm back with more starters tonight, this time with egg moves. I also have some special Emolgas. I have 3 of each and any can be nicknamed upon request. And iff you're looking for Hoenn and Sinnoh Starters, I can breed you some of those too.
Hello everyone! Traveling over Spring Break has landed me and my family in a hotel with DS compatible Wi-Fi, which is a first for me, so I'm offering some Pokemon to you folks ^^
I have one of each starter from each region to trade away. But I can easily breed some more and trade them as eggs if some prefer. ( Starters List )