Hello again!
A while ago I bred lots of Sneasel as I was looking for an Impish natured one, so naturally I have a lot left over and they're just collecting dust in my box. All are level one and can be nicknamed upon request :3 They are all the offspring of my World 09 Weavile, and have inherited his moves (although the day-care couple seemed to enjoy changing his moves Dx).
Please take as many as you like! And I do take reserves :]
With Taunt, Ice Shard, Brick Break and Fling:
♂ Bold, often lost in thought
♂ Sassy, sturdy body
♂ Calm, capable of taking hits
♂ Naughty, mischievous
♀ Hardy, proud of its power
♂ Bold, somewhat of a clown
♀ Brave, often dozes off
♀ Gentle, highly persistent
♂ Bashful, somewhat of a clown
♀ Sassy, capable of taking hits
♀ Gentle, thoroughly cunning
With Taunt, Fake Out, Ice Shard and Brick Break:
♀ Hardy, often dozes off
♀ Naive, good perseverance
♀ Sassy, often dozes off
♂ Mild, somewhat of a clown
♂ Quiet, somewhat of a clown
♀ Brave, often dozes off
♂ Docile, often dozes off
♀ Lax, strong willed
♂ Lonely, mischievous
♂ Serious, proud of its power
♂ Careful, Impetuous and silly
♀ Hasty, a little quick tempered
♀ Quiet, often dozes off
♂ Brave, strongly defiant
♂ Jolly, likes to fight
♀ Naughty, somewhat of a clown
♀ Bold, alert to sounds
Fodder is perfectly fine in return! The only pokemon I can think of at this moment that I would like is the ALAMOS Darkrai, but asking for that for a Sneasel is a bit cheeky xD - thank you
pandamonious ! ♥
Kanra - FC: 0775 6800 8353