It's been a while, but I realized I STILL have far too many pokes clogging up my boxes and I can't look at them anymore and I can't complete my pokedex this way and it's driving me nuts and ARGH!
So, I am re-opening my last two giveaways. They are: ~This one has Dratini and Gible~ ~This one is themed, huge, and the most frustrating by far, so please please take them away~
Check those links for your desired pokemon, but please comment here to request. This will save me a LOT of time!
Fodder is great, but I do have a wishlist:
Fully evolved dragons ( Dragonite, Tyrantitar, Salamence)
Legendaries (except for Dialga & Lake Trio)
Any shinys you have lying aound
MUDKIPZ! Everybody lieks dem. :D
Master Balls
Rare Candies
Fossils (Dome, Old Amber, Armor)
Arana ~ 3911 1212 8324 ~ OFFLINE (*twiddles thumbs* Please take them away?)
IMPORTANT: I'll be updating my status here, not on the giveaway pages.