Ficlet - Soft Centres

May 04, 2009 19:17

Title: Soft Centres
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Ianto
For slashthedrabble's prompt #135 chocolate and smut69's Best Friends
My Jack/Ianto Smut Table
Note: Just 500 words of confectionary nonsense.

Soft Centres

"Nobody knows the truffles I've seen." Ianto sighed as he flopped onto the mattress. His final vigorous thrust had sent discarded chocolate wrappers cascading onto the floor, where no doubt they'd remain unless he cleared them up himself.

"Nice!" Jack wriggled onto his side, laughing as he plucked at a strip of silver foil that had adhered itself to Ianto's sweat-slickened belly.

"Just nice?!" Ianto made of a pretence of indignation, although he knew perfectly well that 'nice' wasn't an assessment of his physical performance.

"Your best yet. My turn again. Nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate." He nuzzled up against Ianto's flushed cheek. "A good friend with chocolate round his mouth."

"Is that what we are?" Ianto wrinkled up his nose in mock disgust as Jack's tongue began licking in sloppy trails across his chin, moving in towards his chocolate-stained lips. "Good friends?"

"I hope we are." Jack pushed him down into the pillows. "I think we are. I want us to be."

"Las cosas claras y el chocolate espeso" Ianto murmured.

Jack groaned. "No idea what you just said, but it sounded hot as hell!"

"Ideas should be clear and chocolate thick" Ianto obligingly translated from the Spanish.

"Hard to think clearly when we're like this. But okay, you win. I bow to your superior chocolate wit and wisdom. So, you ready for the prize-giving ceremony?"

"Chocolate is the answer. Who cares what the question is!"

The answer to the question, however, turned out to be sooner rather than later. The combination of Jack's tongue and the creative use of a Cadbury's Creme Egg saw to that.

"Nuts just take up space where chocolate ought to be." Not that Ianto believed that for a moment.

"Want me to stop?"

"The future is uncertain. Eat your chocolate first."

"Quit that right now! Or we get some work done instead!" An idle threat, and they both knew it.

"Save the Earth. It's the only planet with chocolate."


"Is it? The only planet with chocolate?"

Jack considered for a moment. "Some import it from Earth."


"Okay, steal is maybe a better word. Now, where was I? Oh yeah!"


"Tell me about them" Ianto requested quietly ten minutes later, throat a little sore after his somewhat vocally enthusiastic appreciation of Jack's oral skills.

"About who? Oh. Alright then."

The sex was good. Great, even. And they could talk up a storm, too. About anything and nothing; tall tales and intimate truths, the everyday and the outlandish. Sometimes all through the night. Yet no matter how frank, how intimate, one subject was never broached. Maybe they weren't ready, maybe they never would be. Maybe they really didn't need to articulate it, they just knew.

That love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled down. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time.

jack/ianto, torchwood fic, torchwood

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