Lost Souls

Sep 10, 2008 15:22

Oh wow! I really needed that. I didn't know how much. It was great! Fun, exciting, scary, sad, cod-science-y. It all worked really well on radio - they should, nay MUST, do more of this!

I'm a little bit embarrassed to have bounced up and down on the sofa when they gave us the usual TV intro. I'm still bouncing, and only capable of jotting down my fave bits.

Martha interrupting the team by phone mid-weevil hunt. Said weevil ending up in the bay (aw). "Can weevils swim?" "Apparently not."

On their way to Switzerland, Jack describing a flight he was on once "All those hands, all those pincers!"

"What do clouds look like?" "Candyfloss!" (I)

Jack being very enthusiastic about the whole LHC thing and delivering the science bit for us civilians in a nice clear way.

Martha announcing Ianto as the Welsh Ambassador, hee. With Gwen as his wife, hee. "Darling." Jack as Ianto's PA! Oh yes! :D

Oh dear, spooky voice. "You're life is our life." Be careful gang!

Martha probing Jack about the loss of Tosh and Owen. He's bottling things up, blames himself for their deaths. But has to stay strong for the others.

Leon "Lit up like a Christmas tree." He's disintegrating; his neutrons are missing... or taken. Jack's seen this before, during his time with the Time Agency. It's an alien doing the dirty.

All the sick and missing were working in the tunnel prior to the bad stuff happening - don't go down there! But of course Ianto and Gwen have to.

"This is no job for the ambassador of Wales!" (I)
"Is Ianto moaning?" (J)
"Oh yes!" (G)

Gwen and Ianto getting on their bikes to explore the tunnel.

Martha asking Gwen how she is. She's not good. Feels guilty. But also feels for Jack. "Can't imagine a life more lonely."

"Gwen! Come in Gwen!"
"What is it?"
"My bike's got a bell!" *dingaling*

Eek, something calling to Ianto! "The dead, we're coming back."
"So, you're the dead then?" (I) (It's all in the delivery!)

"We're in the darkness. Help us Ianto Jones, we're starving."

Double eek. The voice calls him 'teaboy'. Then segues into Tosh. Oh no, if those two don't get to him, this one will. LISA! "I've always been here for you." Hurry up Gwen! Too late, Ianto's glowing :o "Let me go to Lisa, to Tosh." "I just want them back again." Aw. *hugs* Of course, Gwen's not gonna let him. But he's a bit of a lump (albeit a sexy one) to be dragging back through the tunnel. "Is Ianto an angel yet?" *shivers* How to motivate him? "Come on, Ianto, almost there. The control room's right through that door, with coffee. And Jack. You love coffee, coffee and Jack, right?" (G)

Meanwhile, Martha's boss has gone bad, but with extenuating circumstances. His dead wife *hugs*

"We're going to die in a tunnel... in Switzerland!" (I)

Reversing the polarity, yay! No more glowiness (this is the only slight quibble I had - their neutrons came back just like that?! Oh what the hell, it's sci-fi :D ). Sadly, no more Martha's boss either.

Ianto reciting Tennyson *rawr* He has hidden depths you know :)

"Somewhere out there in that chaos of darkness and light, of science and protons, of gods and stars and death... somewhere there's an answer." And we may not always ask the right questions, but we keep trying.

To sum up, lovely team interaction (but especially Ianto and Gwen); we're all here because of a big accident; and the dead are always with us. And it rocked!


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