Ooh, is that what you're calling it these days?

Mar 19, 2008 22:17

A little disappointing for an episode I'd been looking forward to for ages, but I quite liked it. Thought they did well with the atmosphere, music, lighting etc. And the Ianto, and Jack-Ianto interaction, stuff was great. It did suffer from a BBC budget, and the script felt a bit paperthin - as if there should have been more but it was maybe sacrificied to the money-gods. It certainly ran shorter than most eps.

Anyhoo, stuff I liked:

The disappearing show in the teaser.

Jack making his own brew in the Hub. Ianto is clearly not around...

Spooky things happening with the film. Jack getting vibes in the Hub.

"Where's Ianto? He would know."

He's at the flicks with Owen and Gwen!

Aw, Ianto and his childhood memories, going to the Saturday morning shows with his dad.

Owen and Gwen messing about. "There's Aunty Peggy. She's been on the gin again." (I had a Great Aunty Peggy and she was outrageous after a drop or two , so I chortled). Ianto shushing them.

"Wait! I just saw Jack!"

Ianto seeing the shadows.

Nice intimate (in a non-sexual sense) scene between Jack and Ianto in the cinema.

"You could travel with us forever."

The breath/moisture-taking.

"Make her cry... I want to drink her tears."

Watching the footage back at the Hub. "I knew those two. They argued day and night."

Ianto onto something - something's wrong, something's missing. Hell yeah, Pearl and the Ghostmaker!

Jack being a bit tight-lipped about his being with the travelling show in front of everyone, but opening up to Ianto later (up to a point) after he's lured him away from the others with his need for local knowledge - "Is that what you're calling it these days?"

Ianto being so quick to say he knows Providence Park. Just his local knowledge, or something else?

Nice old lady witness in PP. "Your eyes are older than your face."

"They touched you, I can sense it. They touched you as they passed you by."

She lost her family on the night of the show; lots of people went missing infact. Ianto taking her hand, aw.

Pearl in the bath at Jonathan's flat! Jack and Ianto to the rescue! Only, the Night Travellers have gone... But they put the pieces together.

"What are you? There's not a breath in your poor sad body."

Filming the Night Travellers as they step through the screen.

Ianto, flask-catcher extraordinaire! But too much breath lost as it flies through the air. Just one of the victims left; Ianto can hear it in the flask, crying out to him. One of the children. Jack giving the little boy his last breath back - but the poor kid is an orphan now... Ianto all emotional.

Are the Night Travellers lurking on any more discarded film (Ianto having destroyed the Electro's stash)? Oopsie, they're at a car-boot sale!

So, could have been better but not a bad 45 minutes of telly.


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