Title: Rainy Days
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Ianto, Lisa
tw100's challenge #50 The Magnetic Fields Song Titles (All The Umbrellas In London), and x-posted there
Rainy Days
He hadn't recognised her voice, distorted as it was by the deluge.
But his heart had thudded to the rapid beat of the rain on his umbrella as she'd appeared at his side.
"All the umbrellas in London aren't going to save that gorgeous suit from a drenching" she'd observed, taking his arm. "So why bother?"
He'd shrugged, laughed and handed the brolly to a passer-by.
There'd been many heartbreakingly rainy days since. But now, instead of tears of grief mingling with the raindrops, he found himself smiling at the memory of the day he'd fallen for Lisa.