Title: You're Looking Very...
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: PC Andy and DI Swanson
Summary: DI Swanson doesn't seem quite herself today...
Follow-up to
They Aren't All That Bad and
Get In There!For
tw100's challenge drabble tag, and x-posted there
You're Looking Very…
"She was one of us, Gwen was. She's sound. So they aren't all that bad."
Kathy smiled slowly. "I know."
Andy hesitated, sure he was about to overstep the mark and land himself in deep shit. "If you don't mind me saying so ma'am, you're looking very…"
"Oh, we can skip the 'ma'am' today. Boss will do just fine. Even though I'm not. Your boss, that is."
He was getting worried now. DI Swanson just didn't seem herself today, somehow. "Everything alright boss?"
"Fine." She glanced down at her 'phone. 'Thanks 4 last night. Dinner 2morrow? Ianto x'. "Great, infact."
Dinner and beyond -
I Can Do It Without You