Good Times

May 06, 2007 14:13

So, I couldn't take part in the James Marsters tour this time, but I did have our Louisiana Lovely Marilyn to stay yesterday, hurrah! She trekked up from London, and headed back down to Milton Keynes this morning, but 21 hours is better than nothing. We had a great gossip catch-up, and it was as if we'd just seen each other last week, not two years ago. We also watched Dr Who, which I did enjoy this week. And then... Torchwood :D M likes it, yay! We watched the first ever ep, and then ep 8 (They Keep Killing...) as they kind of tie in. Plus there's Ianto/Jack innuendo of course, so she had to see that ;) So we have another convert :D

I think the gals at Spikeless! have been planning a coup, though, with M as the Smiling Assassin. Not only did she stuff me full of sandwiches yesterday, but she tried to forcefeed me apple turnovers and eccles cakes :o And she's left a huge bar of choc and box of giant croissants behind. I know it would be a fun way to go, but I'm not ready for it yet. So you'll have to come up with a better plan than that, laydeez!

I am SO back on the wagon today anyway. Wheat and MSG = blah!

I popped online for a few minutes before bed and found I had a present from idle_myrmidon. Much joy, two versions of a drawing of Ianto, Jack and Ianto for Electric Sheep. LOOKEE!. I think she may be going to do a smutty one, too ;)

And now I've had time to break open the new SFX mag, I see there's a wee piece with JohnB. He says Jack will come back to Torchwood a little different, after his time with the Doc. "If you had a row with one of your family members and then you go and you discuss it, you generally would feel better." "Things will change about people[in S2], about the Hub, characters wil grow and develop even more, some people might disappear [*meep*]. I'm being really vague, but a lot of things are going to happen. Things will be different." So long as Ianto doesn't disappear! Unless he reappears real fast, of course!

And I told you the SFX staff were coming round to Torchwood, didn't I?! In reply to a letter they go so far as to admit that "Most of us here on the mag have a soft spot for the 'Wood." :D


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