Fic - Electric Sheep #5

Apr 25, 2007 19:57

Title: Electric Sheep (5/13)
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Owen
Summary: Jack has been back at Torchwood Three for a few months now. He was fine with that; until he began to uncover a pattern in what had seemed to be random, unconnected murders. Now he needs to bring in the other members of the team, but he has a feeling it's more than any of them can figure out. And discussing the two Iantos with anyone other than Owen is not an option right now.

Electric Sheep #5

"And you've sat on this for how long now?" Owen looked shell-shocked, but his mouth had a habit of running away with him and he wasn't about to change. "You always did think with your dick where he was concerned!"

"Owen!" Jack's tone held a warning edge. His headache was now wearing steel-capped boots and was kicking the crap out of his brain.

"Three fucking days Jack! You didn't even tell me to do more work on Robocop down there. Just got me to stick him in the freezer and hoped it would all go away. And all because of lover boy!"

"Owen, you are way outta line."

"Oh, that's right. He's not your handy little shag puppet any more, is he? Hasn't been scratching your itches lately, has he? Fancy your chances with the shiny new model then?"

Jack's fist closed round his water bottle, his grip so tight it almost cracked the plastic. Was it really that obvious? So they were no longer lovers, but in all other respects he and Ianto were as close as before. Business as usual. And as for this other Ianto? Well, Owen would see for himself soon enough. Not so shiny and new. Did he fancy his chances? Oh man, it was way more complicated than that!

"You haven't been listening Owen." Jack snapped. If this fucking mess had involved anyone else, any other member of the team, it would have been Ianto he'd have turned to. He still relied heavily on the man's discretion and efficiency, and Ianto… well, he was Ianto, wasn't he? Always seemed to know what needed to be done and did it. Whenever he disagreed with an action he'd confront Jack with it, granted, but he wouldn't be giving him this level of grief. "First I knew about… him was last night."

"But you suspected it. Go on, admit it!"

"Don't have to explain myself to you. But for the record, no. I had no reason to."

"Yeah, right!"

"Tell me straight Owen, can I still trust you with this?" Jack's voice was cold, his expression unreadable. "'Cause right now I'm thinking you're not gonna be much help and I'm losing patience."

Owen lowered his head, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He knew what Jack was capable of, and he had no desire to be thrown out on his ear again, with all that that entailed. Not for a few angry words spat out in the heat of the moment; and not after Jack had forgiven him for his own dangerous obsessions. "Okay, okay." He held up his hands. "It just threw me a bit. Might be easier if I hadn't started to like the smarmy bastard." He glanced up at Jack. "Y'know?"

Jack sighed. "I know."

"You can trust me, Jack. With this Ianto stuff. But you'll need to bring Tosh in on old Cyborg. It's a bit beyond me."

"I have a feeling it's more than any of us can figure out. But you're probably right. Just, no twin-Ianto talk, okay? Not yet. Not until we have to."

"What about Gwen?"

"Same deal. Just our man from Bristol. Ianto can give us the background on him, but…"

"Not our Ianto?" Owen chewed on his lip, frowning. "The other one?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah. But I'll figure out a way to keep Gwen occupied." He looked meaningfully at Owen. "And out of temptation's way."

"Never been big on pillow-talk. And anyway..." Owen grimaced. "That's been over a long time now."

"If you say so." Jack pushed away from his desk. "Right. Ready to meet him?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"And Owen, remember. He doesn't know yet. So you've never seen him before. Infact..." Jack hesitated. "Why don't you go wait in the examination room? He could use a physical."

"Thought that was more your line of work…"

"Don't make me hurt you, Owen! Act the doctor."

"Er, hello? Fully-qualified here!"

Jack ignored the posturings. "Get him to talk. Need to find out exactly how he came by those scars."

"Scars?" But Jack was turning away, no further information forthcoming. Owen knew it was pointless to continue. "Right. White coat, the works."


Jack glanced at his watch. Just five minutes since the last time he'd checked. What was taking so long? He'd already reviewed the early morning internal security footage, wiped all that was necessary, surprised Tosh with a call promising her a fun new project but one which wouldn't be ready for a couple of hours, and made another to Gwen. He'd heard Rhys grumbling in the background as she'd scrambled out of bed and headed for her computer; but the guy would have far more cause for complaint when he discovered she was going to be spending time in Bristol over the next couple of days.

The next task had been more pleasurable. Detective Sam Morrison's voice had been sleep-slurred and sexy and Jack had been interested to note that his call had not interrupted anything, that there was no partner to disturb. Sam had proved very willing to help out, even if it did mean working with one of Jack's team and not the man himself. "Maybe some other time?" Sam had offered. "Hell, yeah!" Jack had responded enthusiastically. Okay, so he might never follow through on that promise, but having your sexual ego stroked never got old; even when your mind was on someone else entirely.

He fanned out the hand-written reports on his desk, fiddled with his fountain pen, absent-mindedly fingered the metal balls of his decidedly last century kinetic motion toy. Right now, he could think of far better ways of relieving executive stress…The murmur of voices drifted up the stairs, but although Jack could identify which man was speaking at any given time, their words were indistinct. He could have sat in on the exam, of course, but he hadn't wanted to give Owen any opportunity for inappropriate banter. Back off, let Ianto get used to the place. Make him feel comfortable with Owen without any added pressure. All the same… Ah, what the hell!

Spinning round in his chair to face the monitor he tapped a few keys, pulled up the live-stream images. Jack wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but probably not this! He maybe should look into ordering in some hospital gowns. Or not. Owen's 'patients' tended to be stone cold dead on arrival, and death was no respecter of modesty. This one, however, was very much alive. And naked. Jack figured that part was down to him. He'd not thought to offer him clean underwear, had he? An unintentional oversight, but a bonus now. And the prospect of him going commando all day under Jack's freshly laundered trousers? Well, that was quite an appealing notion.

Ianto was sitting patiently enough on the edge of the examination table, bending forward a little as Owen sounded his chest; looking as if he was trying to keep himself from laughing as the doctor tested his reflexes; a little fidgety as blood samples were taken; rather more uncomfortable as Owen hunkered down and examined his right leg. No doubt this procedure would have been easier if Ianto had been lying flat on the table, but Jack wasn't sure he'd have liked that idea.

Owen eventually straightened up and motioned towards Ianto's borrowed clothes, glancing up at the surveillance camera as the other man quickly pulled on Jack's pale grey trousers. So, Owen had been expecting an audience. Jack was unconcerned, choosing to keep his attention focused on Ianto. He noticed that Ianto fastened his belt a good couple of notches tighter than Jack ever needed to, and probably more than his counterpart would have, too. As Ianto returned to sit on the table once more, Owen perched alongside him, clipboard in hand. Both men wore sombre expressions as they talked, Owen jotting down occasional notes and nodding. Pity the doc kept this sensitive side well under wraps most of the time. It could be usefully employed more often, if only he was man enough to share it. Eventually they both got to their feet and Jack's eyes flicked to his watchface again. 8-15. He hastily switched the feed to a general view of the Hub and awaited their arrival.

"So, what's the verdict?" Jack asked as the two men entered his office.

"Healthier than me!" Owen announced cheerfully, shrugging off his coat. "Been working that leg a bit hard lately, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Needs regular exercise, rebuild its muscle strength. I'll write it all up later, but everything seems normal…" He shot Jack a look, out of Ianto's line of sight. "…considering what he's been through." Owen flopped down into the nearest chair. "Could use a good meal, but then, couldn't we all?! You do know I skipped breakfast this morning, boss?"

"I said I was fine" Ianto said calmly, bending to pick up the discarded coat and neatly folding it over the arm of Owen's chair.

Jack and Owen exchanged significant glances. This Ianto may look a little different, but the similarities could be quite disconcerting. Still, Owen was trying his best to cover his discomfort. "Oh, yeah. Thanks mate" he mumbled. "Jack, about breakfast…"

Jack rolled his eyes. "You know how to use a 'phone, Owen." He scooted over a little behind his desk. "Pull up a chair, Ianto. What can we get you?"

He answered immediately. "Bacon! Bacon sandwich. Thicker the better. Definitely no vegetables."

Jack laughed as Ianto settled down beside him. The Ianto who had been traumatised by his experiences in Brynblaidd had avoided all meat for months, and even now steered well clear of pork. "Okay, no vegetables this time. Good to see your appetite improving" he added, squeezing his shoulder.

Owen paused in the act of dialling, looking from Jack to Ianto and back again, a vague expression of disapproval on his face. He was clearly speculating on how comfortable they seemed to be together, and wasn't happy with his conclusions.

"What's keeping you, Owen?" Jack asked, unabashed. "There's work to be done."


They made good progress, in the circumstances. Owen scowled at Jack's revelations, muttering about being kept out of the loop. Ianto again vehemently denied all knowledge of the three other corpses, but fell silent when Jack commented in as matter-of-fact a manner as he could muster that at least two of the men had infact not been human at all. Jack could almost taste his tension and began to regret not placing him on the other side of the desk alongside Owen, the better to be able to read his face.

"Jury's still out on the first two. Someone seems to be covering up. Haven't worked out who or how yet, but I did manage to get IDs on the bodies before the rug was pulled. A Doctor Miyazawa..." A sharp intake of breath from Ianto at that. "…And Thomas Lee." Jack brushed breadcrumbs from the papers and slid the documents over to Ianto. "One of them rings a bell, yeah?"

"Doctor Miyazawa. I know he was in charge of adapting alien tech at one point but I never met him. At least, I don't remember it. Lee? I don't know."

There went one of Jack's theories, straight down the drain. If Ianto had been sent out on his ill-fated mission with these guys, he could buy the assassinations as being a clean-up job of some sort. A retirement of facsimiles of the men who had been killed in the incident Ianto had somehow survived. "How about Stefan Reynolds in Glasgow?"

"Sorry, no. Nothing."

That theory still wouldn't have taken account of the man Ianto did know, though, would it? The one he had despatched just three days ago. "But there is one you knew, and knew well."

Ianto's hands clenched into fists in his lap. "Yes. Dan Adams." He couldn't bring himself to look at either Jack or Owen. "We were recruited at the same time, more or less. Took a few training sessions together. He's the one… he introduced me to Lisa."

"Whoa!" Owen exclaimed, rocking back in his chair.

Jack glanced across at him sharply and to his credit he recovered himself quickly enough. Ianto seemed oblivious, thankfully, lost in his memories.

"We weren't close, exactly" he continued at last. "A few beers on a Friday night, before things got serious with Lisa. Didn't make the time after that." He did look up now, a faint hint of embarrassment on his face. "Shouldn't let that happen, should you? Not really. But, well…"

Owen snorted in derision but Jack could imagine well enough. Ianto had been so smitten he hadn't wanted to share his precious downtime with anyone else. "Go on" he encouraged gently.

"So, we did get along. Troublemakers together. He took the job I turned down. In NLP." He looked over at Owen. "Neuro-linguistic Programming."

"I knew that!"

"Never understood why, though. He was as sceptical as me. Anyway, he was with me and the others when it happened. When the Explorer exploded."

Now it was Jack's turn to feel out of the loop, but Owen interjected. "I've got the details Jack."

"He was inside, I'm sure of it." Ianto frowned. "Almost sure. So when he stepped right out in front of me…"

"In Bristol?"

"Yes. I thought I was hallucinating. Or going crazy. Now, I wish I had been…"

"So how'd you get the better of him?" Owen asked, intrigued.

"I'd thought I was being followed. Some Torchwood instincts never fade away. Even if you want them to. So I was expecting trouble. Just not from him. I wouldn't have stood a chance, but… I think there was someone else there. Never saw him, but I heard him. We both did. Gave me enough time." He exhaled slowly. "I'm a bit hazy on the detail, but I ended up with his gun and, well..." He raised his arms, index and middle fingers of both hands joining together in parody of a gun, pointing towards Owen. "Well, you know what happened." He let his hands fall back into his lap.

"Yeah, yeah, we get the picture" Owen assured him, shuffling in his seat. "Then what?"

"Still felt like I was being watched at first. So I hid out for twenty four hours. Thought I was being paranoid when nothing else happened."

Jack's "Hardly paranoid, given the situation" drowned out Owen's muttered "Paranoid android."

"So I took the scenic route here. To find you" he added, managing a weak smile at Jack. "You had a bit of reputation in London. I knew things would be different here."

"And you wanted our help." Jack had believed him before, and was even more certain of him now.

Ianto nodded. "And maybe a job… But I think I blew the entrance test."

Owen noted the look that passed between them and groaned, but before he could articulate the sarcastic comment that was bursting to escape, Jack's mobile rang.

"Why is everything still locked up? What's happened to Ianto?"

"Sorry Toshiko, running late. Owen, go let her in."

Both Owen and Jack made their way out of the office, Jack gesturing to Ianto that he'd need to retreat downstairs again.

"You sure he's being straight with us?" Owen whispered. "He didn't off the other three?"

"As sure as I can be right now. Why deny it?"

"Shame. I could see him as the Blade Runner type. Very film noirish. So, out of our two Jones's, which one dreams of electric sheep? My money's on the pretty boy."

Jack gritted his teeth. "Just go play with Tosh and Dan the 'Droid. Oh, and needing that report. Within the hour would be good."

"Bit touchy, aren't we? Okay, okay, I'm going."

Jack strode back into his office, the frown he'd been wearing softening a little. "Your input's been useful, Ianto. I'll need names for the guys who were with you on that mission. Anything else you can think of, just make notes." He handed him a few sheets of paper and a pen, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And about last night..."

"Thank you."

"No, I meant…"

"So did I" Ianto interrupted, a hint of a flush to his cheeks. "It's been a while. And it felt good."

"Everyone could use a hug now and then."

"No Jack." Ianto held his gaze. "The kiss."

Jack was wrong-footed for a moment, was suddenly taken right back to the first time his Ianto had made him an offer in the most unlikely of circumstances. "Oh, right. Well" he drawled, recovering himself. "Plenty more where that came from. Just let me know…" He struggled to turn his grin into something a little less eager, less lascivious.

A familiar tiny smile quirked at Ianto's lips. "I will, Jack. I will."

On to #6

ianto, jack, owen, torchwood fic, torchwood

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