I watched Torchwood in the company of another tonight. I'd warned him to behave, but I needn't have worried; he was more enthusiastic than me!
Okay, yeah, Earshot. But that was then and this is now. I enjoyed the episode, if that's the right word considering all the pain floating around, but it's sloshing around near the bottom of my league table.
Felt so sorry for Tosh from the outset; feeling jealous and out of it. And Owen was so spiteful to her!
But it all became even more traumatic once she was wearing the bauble. No wonder she felt that the way she viewed people from now on would be so changed, even after she'd ground the horrid thing up under her foot.
Gwen and Owen are in that fresh flush of giddiness and hormones, so let's gloss over them. But Ianto makes my heart break. Rats in his stomach *weeps* And Jack! The look on his face when Tosh tells him it's like he is dead *weeps more*
The alien, although evil, was rather lovely.
Security briefings about Torchwood to the leader of the opposition?! That can't be allowed to go on!
UNIT?! Oh no, I hates UNIT!
"Everything wages war."
"Yours is a culture of invasion." Tell me about it *sigh*
6/10 overall. 10/10 for angst (and I love me some angst...)