I like Mr Guppy Owen...
That was a cracking little 50 minute horror movie :) It even opened with my fave track of the year.
What's that coming over the hill
Is it a monster? Is it a monster?
Yeah, it is! Humans are generally more monstrous than the monsters we imagine, afterall.
That girl clearly hadn't steeped herself in the horror genre though. Never ever get out of your car to investigate a body in the road, even when armed with a baseball bat. Schoolgirl error.
"No other race in the universe goes camping. Celebrate your uniqueness." Er, no Jack! But you might want to store the info that Ianto doesn't like camping... ;)
Oops, Ianto is playing trolleydolly again. What's in the burgers?! I think hepatitis is the least of your worries :o
Shut your tactless gob Gwen - the last snog question, such a can of worms my dear! Now Tosh is jealous, Owen is smug, and Ianto's on the verge of a breakdown. And as for Jack... diversionary joking tactics aside, that look between him and Ianto could have been about Lisa. But what about the unacknowledged snog of life, huh? And is there anything else they aren't telling us..?!
Gwen and Owen, up against a tree, H.O.T. H.O.T!
I was actually holding my breath and chewing my lip at the prowling round the outside of the cottage scene. And Ianto looks rather delicious in his bloodied, about-to-be-eaten condition. I think I'm swinging round to him now ;)
A bit worried at being so turned on by Jack blasting in, pumping his big gun...
So many lovely little nasty snippets - creepy shoe collection, feet in the fridge, Torturer!Jack revelations. All wrapped up in good old-fashioned genuine suspense. Woohoo!
You sick fuckers! Loved it *bouncebouncebounce* 8/10