Today’s entry is brought to you by the same author who wrote the Anastasia crossover.
Thank you to
artemis_j_halk for suggesting today's sue.
AruaPearl44 SUE-O-METER: (Awful)
FULL NAME: Ash Ketchem
HAIR: Black I guess.
EYES: Brown. I think.
POSSESSIONS: a journal.
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What this fanfic is based on, from a glance, however, is the SEQUEL movie, which is drek. No input from Don Bluth, a brighter color palette, unnecessary and grating songs-- basically the only upside of the entire affair was Martin, who was the completely insane brother of Timmy (the sickly mouse from the first movie, and the inexplicable hero of the second), being voiced by Eric Idle. This movie is NOT worth watching.
The storyline for the second movie involved Martin being captured by NIMH and being subjected to horrible intelligence-enhancing experiments, which make him and honestly pretty creepy villain, completely sociopathic and berserk. He managed to outsmart the humans and, as the fic says, mentally turns them into canines. Timmy and a couple of others from the rat village of Thorn Valley wind up having to defeat Martin before he... does... something. The climax involves burning the building down. Also there may or may not have been cyborg cats.
The More You Know
It's after these events that this fic picks up. So it's a fan-written sequel to a crappy 'official' sequel of a pretty good movie. That alone warrants this fic being bad. This decision comes even before I've read the stupid thing, and having given it a look I can say that my previous assessment was kind.
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