Day 13 || video/action for Azalea

Aug 15, 2011 21:14

[Oh, it's Midori! Long time, no see, sweetheart. She's sitting on her bed at the inn, in cute meowth-adorned pajamas with separators between newly painted toes. Her Eevee is asleep on her pillows, just barely visible in the shot. The camera is being held by her Squirtle and Cubone, working together in spite of it not being necessary.]

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where are my friends, mood whiplash, camgirl, cute couples

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[action] daddydothis August 16 2011, 01:19:07 UTC
[Lottie comes out of the bathroom, hair in curlers and in her nightgown. Ruffles follows her out]

Midori, honey, what's wrong?


[action] pokemondolly August 16 2011, 01:23:50 UTC
[Midori is kneeling on the bed, hunched over her pokegear, frantically calling the same number over and over again while sniffling.]

Lottie, I can't get a hold of Takumi! And his pokemon... [She points at the Pidgey sitting on the bedside table, two pokeballs tied to his foot, and proceeds to wail. Finishing a sentence, what is that?]


[action] daddydothis August 16 2011, 01:26:45 UTC
Oh honey.

[Lottie hurries over to hug the other girl.]

An' y'team's all full an' ev'rythin'.

[Jules hops up into Midori's lap, as does Evangeline.]


[action] And then I spammed this icon. pokemondolly August 16 2011, 01:31:47 UTC
[Midori hides her face in Lottie's shoulder.]

What am I going to do..?


[action] spam \o/ also, can people with houses do this? v daddydothis August 16 2011, 01:36:08 UTC
[The blonde just pets Midori's hair soothingly]

When we get t'Goldenrod, let's see 'bout gettin' a house or somethin'. Maybe we c'n keep all our critters outta th'boxes if we do.


[action] . . . I have no idea :|a pokemondolly August 16 2011, 01:52:04 UTC
[Midori looks up, a little bit hopeful now.]

You think they'd let us..?


[action] /goes to ask daddydothis August 16 2011, 01:53:20 UTC
Who knows? Can't hurt t'ask!


[action] pokemondolly August 16 2011, 02:39:39 UTC
[Midori nods.] I'd like that... [HEADTILT.] But don't I have to fight gyms..?


[action] daddydothis August 16 2011, 02:40:45 UTC
Why? [Lottie shrugs] Th'badges ain't gonna send us home, so why bothah?


[action] pokemondolly August 16 2011, 02:44:29 UTC
[You know, she has a point...]

Isn't there... some kind of benefit?


[action] daddydothis August 16 2011, 02:45:36 UTC
I dunno, I ain't 'xactly paid attention t'all'a that. Ain't got no reason too, aftah all.


[action] pokemondolly August 18 2011, 01:21:48 UTC
I guess I could ask someone... [She sniffles and wipes at her eyes.]


[perma-action] daddydothis August 18 2011, 01:23:01 UTC
Askin' ain't nevah hurt anybody.

[Have a pink hanky handed over, Midori]


pokemondolly August 20 2011, 03:58:31 UTC
[Midori wipes her eyes.]

You're right... Thanks, Lottie...


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