Day 13 || video/action for Azalea

Aug 15, 2011 21:14

[Oh, it's Midori! Long time, no see, sweetheart. She's sitting on her bed at the inn, in cute meowth-adorned pajamas with separators between newly painted toes. Her Eevee is asleep on her pillows, just barely visible in the shot. The camera is being held by her Squirtle and Cubone, working together in spite of it not being necessary.]

Hi everybody! I've been so caught up in training, that I totally forgot to give an update on my little lovebirds~

[She waves to someone off-screen, and two of her pokemon float onto the screen. Yes, float.]

Aren't they just darling? And they're totally inseparable now too! Best poke-couple, am I right?

[There's a cheer of agreement from behind the camera as Midori's Cubone speaks her mind on the subject.]

So, anyways, I'm going to battle the gym soo--

[There's a tapping on the window, and Midori startles.]

Pidgey delivery?

[She glances at the clock.]

At 9 at night?

[Midori crawls off the bed, being careful of her toes, and steps off screen. There's a thunk and a pause as she opens the window, and then a frightened little gasp. On screen, her Eevee seems to wake up, glancing sleepily at her trainer.]

Nonono, give me the pokegear guys!

[There are tears in Midori's eyes, which are visible for about a second while she frantically grabs the pokegear back from her pokemon. The feed cuts out.]

where are my friends, mood whiplash, camgirl, cute couples

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