Jun 27, 2007 21:48
my friend and i were chatting about my new tyranitar that i evolved today. and he used the iv calculator on serebii.net to do IVs [because EVs and IVs make as much sense as nuclear physics to me: not bit]
that pokemon has perfect IVs and i totally didnt' know it.
MIld Nature @ level 55
attack: 179
defense: 129
sp. attack: 139
sp. defense: 132
speed: 89
hp: 194
here's the real kicker. i know NOTHING at all about effort values. i just know that once you get a certain number of them, you get a snazzy ribbon for your pokemon. :D
oh and a silly question that you'll hit yourself [and me] about. if you're hunting for an item that you find on a wild pokemon [like a magmarizer off of a magby], if your thief attack KO's the wild pokemon, will it steal the item? or are you S.O.L. if that magby just happens to be the one with the magmarizer?