got lucky once with 8. Yes I know it takes practice, and patience and skills that I lack. I got a chain of Phanpy yesterday because swarms are easy to chain and that broke at 38 (I could have cried) and what with tweaking to get a Shaymin in Diamond and failing (having to restart my game now), I am too disheartened to continue searching for elusive Pokemon myself.
IF ANYBODY HERE IS A GOOD CHAINER, I implore you, would you be able to manage a shiny Eevee for me? As many as you can or are willing to give away, a handful would be nice, BUT EVEN ONE I WOULD BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR. I don't have much to offer other than fodder, but feel free to ask for anything (items/pokemon) that I might have lying around ...basically I am asking for generosity, despite the fact I know how difficult chaining is and I am asking a great deal.
If you think you can do this for me I will give you my FC details (if I can remember oh god it has been so long since I used Wi-Fi) through MSN or something so we can figure something out as time differences may also be difficult.
x-posted to