So, with seemingly everyone buzzing about Black and White and all the new Pokémon that have come with them, I started feeling nostalgic for the good old days of Red, Blue and Yellow. This wasn't helped by the fact that I found my Red cartridge whilst I was tidying up the other day.)
Another part of my nostalgia kick happened when I found my collection of Hama beads as well. I'm pretty sure they're known as something else overseas, but they're the little beads that you put on pegboards and they fuse together when you iron them. There is a point to all this I swear ;)
So I - in all my infinite wisdom, decided to combine my two nostalgia kicks into one, clicked my way over to the
Spriter's Resource, and this, dear
pokemon members, is what I got:
(apologies for the crappy photo!)
For anyone who might be scratching their heads, these are a bead version of the Red and Blue sprites (with colour coded backgrounds, natch.) from the original Game Boy games, with a ratio of 1:1 beads:pixels.
I also did a version without the backgrounds, but I gave those to my boyfriend before I took pictures, so sadly I can't compare, although if you look at the sprites, and imagine the background isn't there... that's what they look like.
Now if you'll excuse me... my Red cartridge is calling me ;)