Sorry for the n00b-ish question, but I was just wondering: does a move have to be an egg move in order to be successfully inherited by an offspring, or will the offspring inherit any, if not all, of his/her father's moves?
To make this post worth your time, here are some Pokemon usernames that are not yet taken and/or are purged. NOTE: These usernames are unregistered unless stated otherwise.
whishcash #
porygonz #
oldale #
rustboro #
fallarbor #
# Owned journals/accounts. If you can find
a use for them, let me know :)
choicebandcoincase ⇒ POKEMON MOVES
armthrustattackorderbulkupcosmicpowercrosschopcrosspoisoncrushclawcrushgripdarkvoiddefendorderdefensecurldragonrushearthpowerextrasensoryfaintattackfocusblasthammerarmhealorderhypervoicemagnetrisemeteormashpainsplitseismictosstriattackzapcannon P.S. The list was made a couple of months back. Some names might be taken.