Aug 31, 2009 19:34

Very first giveaway! Most of these are products of failed breeding (and trying to get a specific gender and nature). Please please please relieve me of these Pokemon. Much as I love them, I'm running out of box space already.

☄ No limit as to the number of Pokemon you can get.
☄ Fodder is fine, but it'd be great if you can trade me these Pokemon I'm looking for: Suicune*, Articuno*, Lapras, Larvitar, Shroomish, Whismur, Makuhita, Torkoal, Swablu, Corphish, Cranidos, Shieldon (Three Pokemon in exchange for the Suicune and Articuno, really. And to whoever can give me legendaries. ♥)
☄ FC is 2278 5146 8021 KOWAN.

POKEMON HERE @ antistropic (x-posted to pokewifi)

pokemon: v, pokemon: m, trading, pokemon: t, trade

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