Hey, guys! Been breeding starters and Elekids for fun/shiny/EV victims, so here's the lot I can trade off and what I'm looking for.
All Pokemon come at lv.1; apologies for some HM egg moves, I'd forgotten to take them off the parents. No shinies in this batch, sorry.
2 Female: Lax, Quirky
8 Male: Adamant x2, Docile x2, Modest, Naive, Relaxed, Sassy
(Scratch, Leer, Fire Blast, Rock Smash)
2 Female: Hardy, Bold
6 Male: Serious, Relaxed x2, Gentle, Calm, Mild
(Pound, Surf, Waterfall, Cut)
9 Male: Mild, Quirky, Sassy, Relaxed, Jolly, Adamant, Careful, Naive, Quiet
(Leer, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Thunder)
4 Female: Bashful, Hasty, Rash, Serious
6 Male: Relaxed, Mild, Quiet, Hardy, Quirky, Gentle
(Tackle, Leer, Flamethrower)
7 Male: Gentle, Bold, Calm x2, Serious, Quirky, Naive
(Crunch, Iron Tail, Shadow Claw, Blizzard)
1 Female: Calm, Hasty
6 Male: Relaxed x3, Gentle, Adamant, Naive, Rash
(Tackle, Growl, Solar Beam, Sunny Day)
I only have two of these at the moment; a Male Careful and a Female Naughty. First come, first serve, as I'm only giving one of them away in this load. I'd be happy to take orders for more if anyone wants them, though. Taken, sorry folks! I'll still take an order if you really would like one.
All Pokemon can be infected with Pokerus upon request.
Looking For:
I'll trade for just about anything, since I've barely scraped the surface of my Pokedex and I'm not too picky besides, but if you can fill something on my list I'd be extremely grateful! :) Please let everything you trade me be legit, please, including the Pokeballs. I keep a clean game.
- Crobat(s) (I collect them) Or Shiny Zubat/any one of its stages shiny.
- Umbreon
- Whiscash
- Hoenn or Kanto starters/evolutions
- Houndour
- LEGIT Shaymin, Darkrai, or Regigigas from TRU; I know it's not likely I'll get one for what I have here, but I unfortunately missed the events and want them for my collection :[
Name: J
FC: 4898 1843 2191
Thanks! If this is the wrong place to post this, let me know, I'm kind of an LJ comm noob still.