Issues to address

Apr 26, 2008 17:29

I've been feeling rather sad lately, due to all the democracy that we deserve, yet are not getting...

Anyway, couple of things to cover.
Firstly, I have five more requests open! Please perk me up. I've been colouring more Wallace manga scans lately (got a nice batch on PB), and maybe I'll show them to you guys, but first, FIVE more requests.

Your requests is only for yourself, unless you wish to alter this rule. ^^
Picture for use:
Text on Picture (if any):
Resolution: 100 x 100, 90 x 90
Specifications (text):
Rounded corners?: Yes/No
Focus on:

I made it slightly more specific. I WILL try to round corners, if you want, that is. Prefably LARGE pictures, so you get nicer pictures! If not I'll give you a bundle of blur.

Discuss all sad moments you've had. Because of Pokemon.

Mine would include the Lucario movie, the first time I watched it I really cried because it was really touching. How sweet.

Any good fanfictions that I could read lately? I've read a couple of Contestshipping and Gracefulshipping (Mikuri/Nagi), some really well written. :D

I need someone to cheer me up. It's really rather depressing when you have no rights.
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