(no subject)

Apr 25, 2008 22:51

I thought of the best twist to toss into the Wallace arc.

"Actually, there's something else...Milotic isn't my secret weapon. I don't use it often, but--go! Kyogre!"

...come on, if Brandon can have all three Regis, Wallace can have a Legendary of his own. We need to have a Coordinator with comparable power, especially one who deals in both.

So then! I guess to turn this into a topic, I should ask you all what trainers you could see with what Legendaries. Not even to own like Brandon, but even to borrow like Noland or Jackie.

And for that matter, how many Legendaries you think the Rockets have by this point. We know they have Rayquaza, or did at the time of the 9th movie anyway.

and on an unrelated note, I've got stuff for sale in our sister comm.

anime, legendaries

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