Monotype Team - STEEEEEL~!

Mar 13, 2008 15:17

Firstly, the Normal-type team is ahead right now, that'll be the team I go with. It'll be the last monotype team that I'll debut (hey, you gotta give me time to build this team), and I'll do it in battle mode on the Wi-Fi. Who will be on it? Will there be a Clefable sighting? How about Snorlax; is he going to sleep (Talk) through the proceedings? Granbull? Wigglytuff? Girafarig? Staraptor? Fearow? Raticate? ...Ditto???? I guess you'll all just have to find out later, won't you? :p

Now, onto this week's monotype entry, the Steel type. It was the other of two new types added to the world of Pokeymans in Generation II, further softening the blow landed by the hard hand of the Psychic-type in Gen I. It is definitely the best defensive type. There are three types super-effective against Steel and two normally effective. The other twelve? Eleven are NOT VERY EFFECTIVE, while Poison-type attacks don't faze Steels at all. In fact, it's impossible for Steel types to be poisoned. Not too shabby there. Steel types also typically have high defenses. In fact, the average 121 base Defense rating is the highest for any type. On the flipside, however, Steel STAB is almost useless, super-effective against only two types (Rock and Ice). Up until Gen IV, there really weren't that many great Steel attacks (the only one I used up until this point was Meteor Mash on Metagross), so usually, you're banking on your Poké's secondary typing or attacks that you won't get STAB on for effective offense. Alright, here's your team!

Skarmory @ Smooth Rock

Careful Nature, 252 EVs in HP and SpDef
- Toxic
- Spikes
- Sandstorm
- Drill Peck

Lucario @ Muscle Band

Jolly Nature, 252 EVs in Atk and Spd
- Extremespeed
- Force Palm
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance

Bronzong @ Lum Berry

Sassy Nature, 252 EVs in HP and SpDef
- Iron Defense
- Confuse Ray
- Gyro Ball
- Heal Block

Aggron @ Leftovers

Brave Nature, 252 EVs in HP and Atk
- Iron Defense
- Metal Burst
- Stone Edge
- Roar

Empoleon @ Sharp Beak/Soft Sand (to give a little boost to the non-STAB moves)

Adamant Nature, 252 EVs in Atk and Def
- Waterfall
- Drill Peck
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

Metagross @ Wise Glasses

Modest Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and SpDef
- Psychic
- Flash Cannon
- Grass Knot
- Iron Defense

As always, all thoughts, comments, criticisms, brainwaves, e-tongue lashings, inane babblings etc. are not only welcome, but encouraged.

pokemon: e, pokemon: m, pokemon: b, pokemon: s, type: steel, pokemon: a, pokemon: l

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