Multifandom RPG/Need Pokemon Players

Mar 13, 2008 13:11

Hi, everyone. If this is not allowed go ahead and delete this, apologies in advanced.
Recently Fandango Heights(Now Flamingo Heights), a multifandom role playing game, just went under revision. We have a new set of mods and are working to improve the game. It's a very laid back game with a few guidelines to follow and can be pretty fast paced. We post through journals and threads or role play over aim. It's based on three seperate schools and the community.
We're looking for characters from Pokemon all the way up to mid-Johto series. After that most of us are pretty much lost on the Pokemon and it's characters. So far, we have Jesse, James, and Gary. Feel free to contact the mods listed in the user info. I'm sure they'll be glad to fill you in and answer any questions you have to offer!
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