Exactly what he needs - more blades.

Mar 10, 2011 01:19

[Well, hello there, Island! This is Proton.

This is Proton in a...surprisingly good mood.

A surprisingly good, non-yangire sort of mood.


It's probably not what people would expect, given that he's been...fairly frustrated with life lately. A few good things here and there, but not nearly enough - and we know how he gets when he hasn't had enough, that's usually when the stabbing starts. However, in lieu of stabbing - after all, Team Aqua's been scarce, Team Magma is apparently full of suicidal morons and he's not permitted to go after Team Galactic just yet, as far as he knows - he's had to content himself with pokemon training. Some very...brutal pokemon training.

...and that's what eventually led to this little scene near the Aurora Forest. You see, somewhere among all the brutality he actually managed to catch something.

He has a pokemon out with him; not one he plans on killing and eating for once, but rather one that he seems to just be...watching. It's staying close by - it is his, after all, and such will be made obvious if you approach either of them, but for once Proton isn't overworking it, or yelling at it, or trying to harvest weapons from it or otherwise being an abusive idiot. He's just. Watching. With various degrees of wide-eyed fascination because holy shit what is this thing.

Ladies and gentlemen, Proton has essentially caught himself a sentient Cuisinart. And he clearly thinks it is the coolest goddamn thing in the world.

Obviously, there are so many things wrong with this that it's ridiculous. Just going to let that stand?]

guise wtf is going on here?, time: stupid o'clock, user: paid_in_flesh

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