(no subject)

May 30, 2010 18:18

[Black storm clouds roll in from the ocean, painting the sky ominously dark, even though it's the middle of the day. Lightning arches between clouds as the ocean churns from the winds.

Despite the weather conditions, a man in a lab coat stands on the beach, watching his newest acquisition; a black blur that refuses to hold still long enough to be seen properly. It shrieks and continues to fly around the beach, never too far from the man.]

Shadow storm.

[The blur shrieks again, and down from the clouds emerge a pair of black tornadoes over the water, headed toward the beach. So this was the power his successor had discovered... He'd have to thank her for furthering his research if he found her.]

((OOC: Ein's testing out the power of the newly-shadowified Ziz skies_ablaze(who you may or may not remember because it's been a while since I played him). Come yell at him for standing out in the middle of a storm?))

user: skies_ablaze, user: sexylabcoat, screwing with the weather

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