the roamer's feeling crafty~

May 10, 2010 00:29

[It seems that amidst recovering mostly all of her memory, a certain pink-haired Lake Guardian seems to have found some flowers about her travels around the island. The flora in her collective pile are quite colorful, spanning all the colors of the rainbow... maybe there's even some Gracideas too... and it seems like the playful sprite is making ( Read more... )

holy shit a giveaway, user: roamin_emotion, this is adorable

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novel_ties May 10 2010, 05:08:06 UTC
[It's been a while since Lucian has last seen the Being of Emotion; the sight of her is actually quite welcome, he must say.

His approach is a measured one, though not lacking confidence; even if the apparent contentment she's feeling doesn't quite reach her eyes, he doesn't press right away - if something is really wrong, it'll make itself known in the end.]

You have a rather interesting little project going on there.

[He tips his head slightly, a vague sort of smile appearing across his features.]

It's good to see you again - it's been quite some time.


roamin_emotion May 10 2010, 05:41:52 UTC
[There is one big thing about having amnesia: You tend to forget names, people, places and things. Even recovering those memories tends to be hard to do. Unfortunately, that's what's happened to Mesprit as the sudden voice catches her attention, making her look up from her work.]

Oh, thank you! They've turned out nice, don't you think so?

[She manages to smile happily back with a chuckle, her mind trying to remember who exactly he is. Blinking a couple of times is sign enough that the name alludes her at the moment. She feels bad that he knows her, yet Mesprit's managed to forget him... A light bit of nervousness is clearly in her voice.]

Ah, I guess so... I'm sorry, but what's your name again? I seem to have... forgotten it. [She blushes in embarrassment, hoping he doesn't mind her asking.]


novel_ties May 11 2010, 11:26:59 UTC
[And actually, he's not offended at all; it isn't often that he directly involves himself in the lives of the Legends, and while he's fairly assured around most, given his role as a member of the Elite Four, it seems almost inappropriately conceited to expect Mesprit to recall every person she's ever met.]

There's no need for concern, though I admit that in a way it's flattering; your affairs tend to be separate from those of humans, after all.

[And that soft smile hasn't faded as he speaks.]

My name is Lucian.


roamin_emotion May 11 2010, 12:13:48 UTC
[She's relieved that he's not upset with her for her case of memory-loss, but at least she's gotten another chance to remember your name this go-around! Still, the sprite returns her focus to her work as her hands weave a little bit more.]

Ah, I'm glad you're not upset with me. To be honest, I had amnesia some time ago. Things are still coming back to me and some memories are a little bit fuzzy... [Mesprit stops weaving, looking back at him with a smile.] but this time, I'll be sure not to forget you, Lucian!


novel_ties May 11 2010, 12:23:55 UTC

[That catches his attention; he looks up from where he's been watching her hands, arching an eyebrow as his gaze returns to her face.]

I don't suppose you've been able to find out the cause of this, have you...?


roamin_emotion May 11 2010, 13:01:46 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

No, I haven't. All I can remember is that it just happened all of a sudden while I was changing back to this human forme some time ago, and then I just couldn't remember anything clearly at all. [The sprite grows silent for a moment, probably because of bad memories. However, Mesprit's slight moment of sadness doesn't last for long, her eyes becoming bright with a sense of relief.] It felt so weird to learn everything all over again, but I'm glad that things are coming back to me.


novel_ties May 12 2010, 16:25:53 UTC
Mm, well. I'm sure everything will work out for the best - at the very least, there are enough people here to ensure that you won't be harmed, I would think.

[Though he doesn't comment further on the subject, the look in Lucian's eyes implies that he's still a bit unsettled by this bit of information that she's given him; any unpleasantness in his expression doesn't last long, however, before he gestures lightly to the general area she's sitting in.]

Do you mind if I join you?


roamin_emotion May 12 2010, 17:37:27 UTC
[She nods, despite the thought of her most-recent encounter with Cyrus that proved to reveal some things that she had done prior to her amnesia. Her tone reflects her worry, though it doesn't sound like she wants to talk about it.] I hope so... I really do.

[His request, however, manages to cheer her up... rather quickly, to be honest. At least she's smiling once again.] Ah, sure you can! I don't mind at all!


novel_ties May 13 2010, 02:25:32 UTC
[He kneels down next to her, then, before sitting back on his heels; he settles himself gingerly, as to avoid sullying his clothes, but in the end it isn't uncomfortable.

He tips his head in the direction of the flowers as though to indicate, though his eyes remain on hers.]

Memory or not, it seems you've been keeping yourself busy. You have quite the assortment, after all.

[That smile is back; though there's a bit of a teasing note in his voice, there's an unmistakable lightness to his tone - clearly, nothing's meant by it.]


roamin_emotion May 13 2010, 04:52:04 UTC
[She notices that he's talking about the flowers. It is a pretty nice pile, something she's really proud of.]

Ah, I have... I just found these while roaming around the island, and the instructions... I found these this morning when I woke up. [Now she's just going on about her flowers. It's adorable how excited she is about such a simple thing, but she is still a Naive sprite.] It's amazing what different flowers there are in different places! Some of these I've never seen near Lake Verity before... [She smiles with a happy giggle as she picks up a few of them - probably to finish up her latest piece.]


novel_ties May 13 2010, 09:45:11 UTC
[Lucian doesn't seem to mind her excitement; if anything, it's incredibly pleasant to him. As with several other trainers of psychic-type Pokemon, Lucian has a natural sense of empathy that often proves difficult to ignore; in combination with his generally introverted nature, complex emotional and social situations tended to be...very awkward, for lack of a better term. Likewise, however, her joy at something so simple is equally infectious; while he knows there are some things she's still not telling him, at the moment he's content to relax a bit, and leave well enough alone for now.]

You certainly seem to enjoy this place. For the most part, anyway.

[He picks up one of the crowns she's set down nearby, turning it over in his hands as he examines it.]

It's good to see you so happy, Mesprit.


roamin_emotion May 13 2010, 15:57:44 UTC
[Mesprit does like being on the island, but she is a little homesick. She has no idea if she'll ever return back to her beloved lake again, but at least she can finally make some memories and do things once thought impossible.] Well, the island has things that happen that bother me sometimes, but yes, I do like it here. It's not boring, that's for sure! [She manages another laugh, sighing afterwards.]

And actually, I feel happy too... [Her smile turns a little soft, maybe a bit sad even. Her eyelids lower, gazing at a flower in her grasp and sniffing its still lingering scent. It's enough to make a bit of pink dust against her cheeks.] Very happy...


novel_ties May 14 2010, 08:48:41 UTC
It's these sorts of experiences that make us who we are, really. Lives are very complex things, considering they're so short - or at least, the human life is short, anyway. And yet there's always a sense that one is at a crossroads. Everything - joys and regrets, difficult trials and minor annoyances - in the end, it all comes together somehow.

[He sets the crown back on the rock he had picked it up from, returning his attention to her.]

I like to think that regardless of where we are, we're there for a reason. This island may not be the region we're accustomed to, but I think that same line of thinking applies here, too - even if the reason we're here is nothing more than finding out what we'll do in these unusual circumstances.

[He hesitates briefly before continuing on, though it isn't terribly obvious; he's casual about it, as though it's nothing more than a pause in speaking.]

Not to pry, but...has something been on your mind?


roamin_emotion May 15 2010, 10:05:54 UTC
[As she attentively listens to Lucian's words... and maybe nods in agreement on and off, the sprite has a deep thought. Mesprit knows these things pretty well, or at least from what she can remember, that is. She is the Being of Emotion - these sort of things should be clearly understandable to her since she gave everyone emotions for moments like this, allowing people and Pokemon to express themselves in any type of situation.

But things have changed for her lately - the amnesia had affected the sprite in more ways than one. Her personality is different than before, though her Naive nature continues to shine through. However, learning about what she had done prior to her memory loss has made her worry... What other things had she done that she hasn't remembered?

His question takes her by surprise at first, but then her body admits her feelings. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have someone to talk about her problems with. Besides, she gets a sense of understanding from him - he's definitely someone she can trust.] Well, yes. Something ( ... )


novel_ties May 15 2010, 10:42:47 UTC
[As he had thought.

His expression is patient as he glances her over; even if it isn't immediately obvious, she seems...somewhat anxious. Shaken, perhaps.

It wouldn't exactly be right to not offer to do something about it, now would it?]

You can tell me anything you like, you know.


roamin_emotion May 15 2010, 14:10:07 UTC
[Well, maybe it's time to talk about it. She's got someone that's willing to hear her out. Mesprit keeps her head low, taking a deep breath. Her tone isn't hesitant, though she takes her time to say her question. Hopefully he can understand what she means.]

Okay... Um, Lucian... H-have you ever done something that you know you'd never do?


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