the roamer's feeling crafty~

May 10, 2010 00:29

[It seems that amidst recovering mostly all of her memory, a certain pink-haired Lake Guardian seems to have found some flowers about her travels around the island. The flora in her collective pile are quite colorful, spanning all the colors of the rainbow... maybe there's even some Gracideas too... and it seems like the playful sprite is making ( Read more... )

holy shit a giveaway, user: roamin_emotion, this is adorable

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roamin_emotion May 15 2010, 10:05:54 UTC
[As she attentively listens to Lucian's words... and maybe nods in agreement on and off, the sprite has a deep thought. Mesprit knows these things pretty well, or at least from what she can remember, that is. She is the Being of Emotion - these sort of things should be clearly understandable to her since she gave everyone emotions for moments like this, allowing people and Pokemon to express themselves in any type of situation.

But things have changed for her lately - the amnesia had affected the sprite in more ways than one. Her personality is different than before, though her Naive nature continues to shine through. However, learning about what she had done prior to her memory loss has made her worry... What other things had she done that she hasn't remembered?

His question takes her by surprise at first, but then her body admits her feelings. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have someone to talk about her problems with. Besides, she gets a sense of understanding from him - he's definitely someone she can trust.] Well, yes. Something has been bothering me...


novel_ties May 15 2010, 10:42:47 UTC
[As he had thought.

His expression is patient as he glances her over; even if it isn't immediately obvious, she seems...somewhat anxious. Shaken, perhaps.

It wouldn't exactly be right to not offer to do something about it, now would it?]

You can tell me anything you like, you know.


roamin_emotion May 15 2010, 14:10:07 UTC
[Well, maybe it's time to talk about it. She's got someone that's willing to hear her out. Mesprit keeps her head low, taking a deep breath. Her tone isn't hesitant, though she takes her time to say her question. Hopefully he can understand what she means.]

Okay... Um, Lucian... H-have you ever done something that you know you'd never do?


novel_ties May 15 2010, 23:41:03 UTC
[Lucian falls silent for a moment, thinking over the question. She's being incredibly vague, and he can only begin to guess at the reason; he has a hard time believing that she's done anything truly terrible, but he supposes the question might make sense given the fact that she's a recovering amnesiac - she may be having a hard time understanding some of the stranger memories that the island has no doubt provided.]

Well, I can't say that I know exactly what you mean - but in times of fear or panic, my behavior does tend to be different from what it might be normally. It depends on the circumstance, but in that regard, I've done some things that I normally wouldn't, and I've come to regret a good amount of these things.

[His eyes have slid closed while he speaks, though he opens them again when he pauses, looking at her again.]

What happened, Mesprit?


roamin_emotion May 17 2010, 15:04:25 UTC
[The sprite's body movement remains the same throughout his response, though she's hardly moving at all. It's not that Mesprit wasn't listening, though.

Once she hears his question, she carefully wraps her arms around, embracing herself with a slight tremble. Her replying tone easily reflects her emotions - there's sorrow, regret, disappointment - and soon a thin stream of tears begin to trickle from her eyes.]

...m-m-my curse. I've learned that... I've hurt someone with it recently.


novel_ties May 17 2010, 15:35:34 UTC
[And as soon as he's processed her response, Lucian's blood runs cold. Though he's never seen anyone so afflicted in person, he's well-read, and he's fully aware of what her words mean; the concept of someone being rendered an emotional spectre, a shell of their former's one of the few things that truly scares him.

But right now there's a situation to handle, and Mesprit is obviously upset and incapable of handling it by herself; any fear or revulsion he feels is directed toward the problem itself, not her, and it would be unfair if he were to handle this badly when it came to taking care of her. He forces the negativity to the back of his mind, focusing on a more rational mindset for the time being; his voice is quiet when he speaks, taking on a soft quality that he knows to be calming for most.]

All right, now. Just take a deep breath and try to relax. There's no way to know what happened until you get your memory back; don't assume that you're a terrible... [He stops before the word 'person' leaves his mouth, looking at her a bit oddly as he realizes that classification doesn't exactly work.] ...individual unless you know what's happened, and even then, keep in mind that you've said that this isn't something you would ever do under normal circumstances - just remember that, for now.

[He takes a deep breath himself before continuing; at the very least, his nerves have stopped jangling.]

Do you...happen to know anything about what happened?


roamin_emotion May 18 2010, 20:51:19 UTC
[That calming tone of his seems to be helping a little, making her hear him out. Mesprit knows that Lucian is right - this wasn't exactly a normal circumstance - so it does manage to help keep that fact in mind.

She bobs her head a little at the question, taking that deep breath he suggested before responding in that still-quiet voice of hers amidst her crying.]

Well, he... he told me about it himself, but... he said that it was what he wanted from me, like a repayment for something. [She pauses every now and then, wiping away small tears with her fingers before returning them around herself.] He even called my curse a "gift" to him... How could something so awful be good to anyone? Life isn't worth living if one doesn't have emotions...

[Mesprit's still shaking a bit, though it's not as bad as moments ago. Another thought comes to mind from that recent encounter, and she just can't keep it to herself anymore; however, it only makes her pause afterward, her shuddering increasing just at the thought of it, though she doesn't speak the exact reason.] ...But there was one other thing he said that scared me the most.


novel_ties May 18 2010, 23:09:20 UTC
[Lucian inclines his head slightly as she speaks; though he doesn't interrupt, his expression has tightened somewhat. He hadn't witnessed the disturbance on Mt. Coronet firsthand, but he had been made aware of the details not long after the fact; from what he understood, it had been the work of Team Galactic - or their leader, to be precise, a deeply disturbed individual who claimed to have renounced emotion in favor of a 'complete' existence. There are too many people on this island for Lucian to know for sure, of course, but the pattern is too similar for him to be comfortable.

He's about to ask her for the person's name when she speaks again; his eyes are immediately attentive again, and though he's tempted to reach out - he had touched her in this form before, after all - he refrains for now.]

That sounds like quite the harrowing experience - though I can't say that I know what was going through this man's head at the time, I don't blame you at all for being frightened of it, Mesprit. It's a lot to be told all at once.

Though I have to ask: what was this 'other thing' that he said?


roamin_emotion May 20 2010, 20:59:04 UTC
[Mesprit's head remains low, though she's still taking in Lucian's comments. At least someone understands what she's going through. Then again, it feels good to talk out her problems with someone that she feels is trustworthy - almost like weight being lifted from her shoulders, perhaps?

The sprite nearly hesitates on giving him an answer to continue what she'd begun before. She doesn't want to worry him too much, especially since just thinking about it gives her ominous feelings of what could happen... She has made a lot of friends while on this island that she wouldn't wish any harm to. Perhaps it is best to tell him after all.]

He told me that... soon I'd see why he called my curse "a gift"... [She shudders during a pause, her tone easily emitting fear.] ...and that he wasn't finished with my siblings and I. [A sigh with relief slips from her lips before she finally lifts her fear-filled gaze of gold up to meet his.] I'm r-really scared... I don't understand why, but I just feel like something awful's going to happen to me and those I care about...


novel_ties May 21 2010, 05:19:13 UTC
[A wave of fear sweeps over him as well, brief but definite, and he takes a deep breath to calm himself before trying to do or say anything; judging from what she's told him, even if she hasn't mentioned names, the pattern is too clear to ignore.

Definitely the Team Galactic leader, then.

Lucian had only met him once in person, and that had been by chance; it had been at the library in Canalave, a couple of years ago by now. The man had been polite, if a little odd, with an unusually distant look in his eyes; it was an encounter that Lucian had experienced and then promptly forgotten about, finding it irrelevant at the time, only to recall him immediately when he found out what had transpired at Mt. Coronet.

And now here this man was again, and clearly, he hadn't given up.

Lucian clearly doesn't like this, but when she lifts her head to look at him, he doesn't hesitate further. He doesn't usually touch others, because though contact isn't necessarily an unwelcome thing, it's almost always awkward; regardless, he reaches out to her, his fingers alighting gently on her shoulder.]

I understand; it's a bit of a difficult situation. Just don't work yourself into a panic - you'll be taken care of, Mesprit, and even if he doesn't have emotions anymore, perhaps he can still be...well, reasoned with. We'll see what can be done.

[Although when he's honest, Lucian hopes that in the end, he isn't the one that's going to have to do the reasoning; the idea of talking to someone that's been damaged in such a way isn't an appealing one.

A light smile graces his features, however, as he continues; it's not entirely genuine, as it's still tinged with concern, but he's clearly trying to remain pleasant and optimistic for her sake.]

Before I leave you today, I'll be sure to let you know where you can find me; if you feel that you need to talk to me for whatever reason, or if you need somewhere to stay for a short while, you can come find me at any time.

I just want you to know that you aren't alone.

[Because even if he normally prefers to keep others at arm's distance, the idea of Mesprit being used to bring about the destruction of spirit and emotion is far more than enough to make him compromise. Not only is the idea in and of itself horrific, he can't imagine what she'd be going through as a result.]


roamin_emotion May 25 2010, 16:09:26 UTC
[The touch to her shoulder, as light as it is, makes the sprite's cheeks turn a little pink. It's enough to calm her down to the point of taking slow breaths, taking her focus away from her fear.

Mesprit manages a light nod of acceptance. She can't really do much else but to wait and see how things play out.] O-okay... I guess that's all we can do right now. [With a light gasp, a sudden thought hits her. Mesprit isn't the only one that's being targeted - she is only a part of what he wants.] Oh, there's something else... My siblings need to be safe too; I know they can take care of themselves, but I still want to warn them. It's the least I can do to help.

[As nice as even the slightest of smiles are, she can tell that it's just to cheer her up... and it's working.]

Ah, that's good to know... You're very kind, Lucian, and I thank you for offering your time to help me. I'll be sure to keep it in mind! [She finally smiles a bit herself; hers is as real as it can get.] I'm so glad that there are so many people here that are so nice and thoughtful...


novel_ties May 25 2010, 21:08:01 UTC
[The smile turns a bit gentler, more genuine, with the knowledge that she's relaxing; his hand slips forward a little to offer a light squeeze against her shoulder before he pulls it away, breaking contact and resettling gently in his lap.]

It's not really any trouble - and no harm will be allowed to come to yourself or your siblings. I only regret that this was allowed to escalate as far as it has, both here and in Sinnoh.

[His voice hardens a bit during that last statement, but any bitterness he may be harboring clearly isn't directed at her, and it isn't long before he seems to brush it off entirely in favor of keeping his thoughts to himself.

He knows that he isn't exactly in any sort of position to make promises, and there's no way to guarantee that she'll remain entirely unharmed in this situation; however, if any harm befalls her or the other inhabitants of this island...

It won't end very well, now, will it?

But for now his assurances are genuine, his expression gentle; he shifts a bit to keep his legs from losing circulation, though he resettles quickly without standing up.]

It might be a good idea to let your siblings know. But at the same time, I want you to keep yourself safe when you do so, all right?


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