the roamer's crisis... and rebirth?

Feb 15, 2010 03:14

[Well, Mesprit is all alone, even after the day of lovers has ended ( Read more... )

user: roamin_emotion, hurt/comfort, guise wtf is going on here?, screwing with the punch

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/late because slowatus is awesome like that, don't hurt me? distorted_deity February 18 2010, 21:52:42 UTC
[It was the shattering glass that had caught his attention, but the telepathic tone was one that he recognized - perhaps not in words, but in the odd, frantic pattern the panic lent to her 'voice'.

His suspicions are confirmed when he sees her; she had never used telepathy around him while guised as a human, after all.]

Guardian of Lake Verity...I see that you have assumed your true form once more.

[His tone is even, but his eyes are very, very alive; he's aware that the chances are high that she'll flee from him, but he's seen what he needs to - even if she refuses to engage him otherwise.]


no worries~! roamin_emotion February 18 2010, 23:50:10 UTC
[If there was any time that Mesprit wished to have had better luck, then this would be it. She's quite panicked just at the sound of his voice, but that's expected. Instant shock is visible on her face once she sees him.]

...!! I-it's you...!

[Old instincts return rather quickly. Swiftly rising to the hut's roof, the pixie lands to plot out her next move. Surely he can't reach her there right now... well, at least she hopes he can't.]


distorted_deity February 18 2010, 23:57:39 UTC
[To be expected, really - it would have been foolish to think she would remain within any sort of reasonable distance. However, she hasn't left; he isn't sure if this is a positive sign or not.]

As tempting though it may be...for now, your capture is still not a priority of mine. I assure you that when that time comes, it will not be done on such a personal level...your capture will not be carried out by myself.

I remain here to discuss a matter of...personal importance.


roamin_emotion February 19 2010, 09:04:32 UTC
[She was glad to hear that he wasn't after her right now, so there was a silent sigh of relief. However, the Lake Guardian makes a mental note of his warning. Can't be too careful.

Still, Mesprit only hovers over the hut, watching Cyrus carefully from above. Honestly, why is she not fleeing to safety? Maybe she actually wants to listen and talk to him?]

Oh? Well, what is it?


distorted_deity February 19 2010, 13:31:08 UTC
[Cyrus stays where he is; moving closer to the hut will probably just agitate her into leaving. The fact that she hasn't fled yet remains a good sign - he can't guarantee that she'll give him what he's after, but at the same time...] will recall that I have spared your life. Surely, you can be reasonable enough to acknowledge that granting me a single request would be...appropriate. Especially given that this request comes at no expense or harm to yourself...temporary unpleasantness, perhaps, but no harm.


roamin_emotion February 19 2010, 17:15:29 UTC
[Common sense is that she should have expected something like this from Cyrus by now. Mesprit has a bad feeling about the idea of returning the favor; she has an obvious idea on it is, even before hearing his last statement. Still, the sprite remains cautious on her perch.

To be honest, she could flee to safety right now - since she does remember who she's speaking with and all - but it would be wrong of her to not hear him out. It's only fair, right?]

...Well, it depends on what the request is, but I will see what I can do though...


distorted_deity February 19 2010, 18:29:07 UTC
...I expected no less.

[The hesitation between this affirmation and his next words is an obvious one, though there's no uncertainty at all across his features. He is aware that doing such a thing as he's about to request is an extreme measure; were it something he could do lightly, he would have simply done it while she was in his possession the first time. She was certainly under enough distress to have obliged him easily, then.

Even now, he isn't entirely sure of what effect this will have on him; regardless, the potential benefits...

His voice remains even when he speaks, unmarred by doubt or uncertainty.]Should this action be undertaken...remember that I ask you this fully aware of the consequences. It will only prove detrimental to myself without affecting others, should this not end as I expect. Keeping this in mind may make it easier for you to comply...and if not, perhaps keeping in mind that you are in debt to me for saving your life will serve the same purpose. There are many other ways in which I could extract this debt ( ... )


roamin_emotion February 19 2010, 20:47:29 UTC
[It was what she expected. Her telepathic voice was now filled with nervousness. It had happened before, a long time ago when her curse last took effect. The only difference was that the previous time had been an accident... and this time, he actually knew what he was doing. Cyrus actually wanted it.]

I...I understand what you want from me. No one has ever willingly asked me to take their emotions before...

[But Mesprit wasn't about to give him a clear "Yes" or "No" answer to his request yet. She was still having mixed feelings about what to do. He had Revived her, after all... and as much as she hated the thought, the Lake Guardian did owe him her life... in a way. She trembled, but remained where she was to make up her mind.]

It's... it's just such a difficult choice for me to make...


distorted_deity February 19 2010, 20:59:54 UTC
I am aware that this decision is not one to be made lightly...if I considered it to be a trivial matter, it would have been done already.

...regardless, I am still here to request it of you, despite the severity of the action.

You can believe me when I tell you that you will not be held either myself or my subordinates. I will ensure this.


roamin_emotion February 19 2010, 22:00:09 UTC
[Mesprit just remained silent as he spoke, still trying to figure out her next move. Yet she's no longer over the hut; her lithe form is now levitating over an edge of the roof, still safe from his reach.]

It will probably bother me if I give you what you want... but I'll be bothered if I can't repay you somehow... [She's still feeling hesitant. A light tremble goes through her, sensing that anything she tells him probably won't change his mind; yet it's worth still trying.] It... it can't be reversed once it's done, you know... I just don't want you to have regrets for making such a life-changing choice, that's all...


distorted_deity February 19 2010, 22:20:01 UTC
[Cyrus becomes quiet for a moment, maintaining eye contact with her as he considers her words; he's aware that if she does this, there isn't going to be any opportunity to change his mind.

Even now, his confidence falters slightly...only for the notion to be pushed aside. It's sentimentality that stops him, isn't it?

If he stops now, he's just as bad as the rest.]

...I am not one to regret my decisions once they are made, Guardian.

I remain willing.


roamin_emotion February 21 2010, 07:28:48 UTC
[His response didn't help make Mesprit's choice any easier; it's only making her feel more unsure on what the right thing to do should be. It's hard to believe that she hasn't just fled the scene by now, leaving Cyrus there alone, but it'd be rude of her to not give him an answer.

Of course, it feels like she's just stalling, working for some more crucial time to think. Actually, she is stalling, still asking queries.]

...Are you sure that's really what you want? Really sure? You don't want anything else instead?


distorted_deity February 21 2010, 14:07:58 UTC

[He can tell that she's unwilling, stalling for time, and he can't say that he cares for it very much; however, though his tone is firm, it isn't angry - his voice remains even, and he looks her in the eyes when he speaks.]

I can assure you that I would not still be here arguing the point, if I would settle otherwise.


roamin_emotion February 22 2010, 16:39:03 UTC
[Darn it... This whole thing seems like a big problem. Should she really return the favor and do what he wants? Mesprit usually wouldn't give into things so easily, especially to someone she fears so much. But what happened in her world is in the past... on this Island, Cyrus had Revived her, possibly saving her life - Just remembering this makes it very hard to realize what she has to do.

Either way, she's going to feel pain.]

My heart tells me that I can't do this... [Her eyelids lower in defeat. As much as it hurts her heart to admit it, Mesprit slowly gives in. Her tone is soft, although sad is a better word for it.] ...but it also tells me that you're right. You've done something for me, and I...I should do something in return, even if... [She gulps slightly, shutting her eyes for a moment as a shudder sweeps through her. Nope, she's not going to like this at all.] ...even if it means letting you have what you wish...

[Although she's sort of given into Cyrus's request, Mesprit still remains where she is at the roof. Most ( ... )


distorted_deity February 23 2010, 13:21:33 UTC
[Is she...acquiescing? She doesn't come closer, but her words imply hesitation, not denial of his request; is she actually...?

Cyrus can't deny the tremor that courses through his body at the thought; though he tells himself the reaction is spurred on through anticipation only, if he must acknowledge it at all, there's still something in the back of his mind - nothing more than a trace of a thought, really; something easily dismissed - that recognizes the fear.

It isn't enough to make him stop; it isn't even enough to make him reconsider. He knows this is what he wants - he knows - but at the same time, a sense of apprehension exists, however slight.]

This choice...whether it will help or hinder in the end is unknowable at this point.

Regardless...when it comes to your decision on the matter, I...

[He hesitates; he isn't fond of saying these things to her.]

I have a deep appreciation for what you are about to do.


roamin_emotion February 23 2010, 16:08:06 UTC
[Even with her eyes closed, Mesprit senses a very faint feeling from him; it's not one she's felt from him before. Was he hesitating as well? Perhaps it's just his conscience fighting a losing battle, she figures as the sense becomes minute.

His latest words only cause her to open her gold eyes once again, giving him her full attention. That was an odd comment... Why would someone really appreciate the ability to take emotions away? She only gazes back at him sadly, her eyes already filling with regret.]

Then, I guess my only other hope that things work out for you... I still wish there was another way...

[Well, now she's as ready as she's gonna be. Mesprit begins to descend from the roof, making her way towards him very slowly. That slight trembling starts up again the closer the sprite gets, but she halts before getting within his reach.]


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