the roamer's crisis... and rebirth?

Feb 15, 2010 03:14

[Well, Mesprit is all alone, even after the day of lovers has ended ( Read more... )

user: roamin_emotion, hurt/comfort, guise wtf is going on here?, screwing with the punch

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roamin_emotion February 22 2010, 16:39:03 UTC
[Darn it... This whole thing seems like a big problem. Should she really return the favor and do what he wants? Mesprit usually wouldn't give into things so easily, especially to someone she fears so much. But what happened in her world is in the past... on this Island, Cyrus had Revived her, possibly saving her life - Just remembering this makes it very hard to realize what she has to do.

Either way, she's going to feel pain.]

My heart tells me that I can't do this... [Her eyelids lower in defeat. As much as it hurts her heart to admit it, Mesprit slowly gives in. Her tone is soft, although sad is a better word for it.] ...but it also tells me that you're right. You've done something for me, and I...I should do something in return, even if... [She gulps slightly, shutting her eyes for a moment as a shudder sweeps through her. Nope, she's not going to like this at all.] ...even if it means letting you have what you wish...

[Although she's sort of given into Cyrus's request, Mesprit still remains where she is at the roof. Most likely, the little pixie's just mentally preparing herself for this - either that or mentally kicking herself - just for a few more moments.]


distorted_deity February 23 2010, 13:21:33 UTC
[Is she...acquiescing? She doesn't come closer, but her words imply hesitation, not denial of his request; is she actually...?

Cyrus can't deny the tremor that courses through his body at the thought; though he tells himself the reaction is spurred on through anticipation only, if he must acknowledge it at all, there's still something in the back of his mind - nothing more than a trace of a thought, really; something easily dismissed - that recognizes the fear.

It isn't enough to make him stop; it isn't even enough to make him reconsider. He knows this is what he wants - he knows - but at the same time, a sense of apprehension exists, however slight.]

This choice...whether it will help or hinder in the end is unknowable at this point.

Regardless...when it comes to your decision on the matter, I...

[He hesitates; he isn't fond of saying these things to her.]

I have a deep appreciation for what you are about to do.


roamin_emotion February 23 2010, 16:08:06 UTC
[Even with her eyes closed, Mesprit senses a very faint feeling from him; it's not one she's felt from him before. Was he hesitating as well? Perhaps it's just his conscience fighting a losing battle, she figures as the sense becomes minute.

His latest words only cause her to open her gold eyes once again, giving him her full attention. That was an odd comment... Why would someone really appreciate the ability to take emotions away? She only gazes back at him sadly, her eyes already filling with regret.]

Then, I guess my only other hope that things work out for you... I still wish there was another way...

[Well, now she's as ready as she's gonna be. Mesprit begins to descend from the roof, making her way towards him very slowly. That slight trembling starts up again the closer the sprite gets, but she halts before getting within his reach.]


distorted_deity February 23 2010, 16:18:21 UTC
[Her words are strange to him, almost foreign; that she should wish such a thing for one that had caused her such pain - and even more confusing, one who clearly had no remorse for doing so, one that would do so again...

It makes no sense; were it anyone else, he would suspect that she was being sardonic. However, her being whom she is, that doesn't seem likely to be the case.

He shakes off any remaining sense of doubt. If this is going to happen, then so be it - he would prefer to get it over with quickly.

He extends his hand toward her; it establishes distance, allowing her to touch without coming close enough for him to get any sort of plausible grip on her body. He's holding to his word - he isn't here to capture her - and yet the action isn't an unsure one; his hand remains steady, and his eyes are calm.

The fear is gone, replaced by thoughts of better things; if she does what she implies, he will become complete.]


roamin_emotion February 23 2010, 17:33:55 UTC
[Instinct would usually make her fall back a little to the sight of a hand reaching out. However, Fate finds Mesprit very slowly floating forward, heading towards his awaiting hand with a nervous gulp.

It's not too late to change her mind... usually the legendary would dash off before a close encounter happens; unfortunately, a debt has yet to be paid. It isn't long before the top of her head brushes against his palm - they had both reached the point of no return.

It's a bitter-cold touch - a complete 180 from the last time his hand met her skin while she was in her human forme - before backing away again after a few seconds. Her expression is one of discomfort and obvious regret, causing her to shudder.]

C-cold... Just like the last time...


distorted_deity February 24 2010, 17:54:15 UTC
[He closes his eyes at the touch, though he doesn't flinch away; his nerves are awake, alive with anticipation, and even though he can't see her he's aware of her presence. He isn't sure what he expected, but it wasn't this, exactly; she's soft and cool to the touch, and the contact isn't unpleasant. He had expected pain, or a sense of loss; the idea that this experience could be so normal hadn't even crossed his mind.

Though Cyrus is aware that any true unpleasant effect this may have on him will make itself very plain in the days to come, and he knows the transition may be difficult, he isn't afraid of it; he's prepared for it, as much as one can be, and if anything, he embraces it. When his expression changes, then, the shift isn't one of fear; it's an unconscious action, his features relaxing as he mentally allows himself to take in the entirety of what he's doing. Rather than any sort of fear or apprehension, if anything, he seems relieved.

He opens his eyes when she pulls away, the peaceful expression that had been across his features moments before replaced by the usual stoicism - he lowers his hand, turning it over in front of his eyes for a moment as though studying for some sort of physical change that implies what he had just done. When he finds nothing, he returns his attention to her; it's obvious that she's discontent, and her words imply that her experience has differed greatly.

Interesting.]'s done, then.

[Though it's more a statement than anything, there's still a vaguely inquisitive sense that can be heard behind his words.]


roamin_emotion February 24 2010, 19:00:43 UTC
[The shuddering doesn't seem to be stopping. She hadn't forgotten how uncomfortable this ability of hers was - it was rare for her to even use it at all.

To his statement, she only shook her head, keeping her eyes closed.]

...T-three days... It takes...three days before it's done...

[She's nearly bringing herself to tears, even while talking to him after that touch. What else could she say? It was too late to do anything else. While nothing physical had changed, Mesprit could already feel her precious gift to all starting to seep out of him.]


distorted_deity February 24 2010, 19:05:50 UTC
...of course...

[Though he responds to her words, his tone is distracted; clearly, she's under some sort of severe distress at this, and he can't say that he's sure why.]

This act...does it torture you, then?

[His voice is more inquisitive then truly concerned, but he asks regardless.]


roamin_emotion February 24 2010, 19:31:42 UTC
[She was honestly surprised by his concern for her, yet conversation is making her take attention away from her trembling.]

...Very much so... The last time, I didn't realize what it was until later... It's another reason why I prefer my other forme...

[She stops before going any further. Then again, perhaps Mesprit's already said too much.]


distorted_deity February 24 2010, 19:36:57 UTC
[Though he wouldn't allow himself to be too concerned for her well-being - her current form assists with that - regardless of whomever is involved, Cyrus dislikes seeing suffering as it happens directly in front of him. After all, there was a reason why, in Veilstone, he had left the experimentation of the pixies up to Charon and Saturn to oversee.]

...'until later'...meaning that you either observed the effect, or...

[He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts.]

You're aware of the effect as it happens...aren't you?


roamin_emotion February 24 2010, 20:27:57 UTC
[Mesprit nodded once, moving back and forth a little to shake off the pain. Of course, it didn't work.]

...I am. When it happened last, I just felt horrible pain, and I thought nothing of it. However, it continued as I slept for those three days afterwards...

[She paused, still not looking at Cyrus as she dealt with another light shudder. A couple of tears finally break the ducts by her eyes, slipping down her face.]

It wasn't until I saw the end result for myself... that I knew what I'd done...


distorted_deity February 24 2010, 21:33:02 UTC
It was accidental, then...and you clearly regret this course of events...

I see.

[He pauses again, seeming to mull this over. Normally he would have left by now; he isn't sure what compels him to stay.

The realization hits him suddenly - whatever it is that holds him here now will no longer affect him within three days' time.

He shakes off the thought quickly. Mesprit's well-being is of no concern to him, and besides, there are more important things at hand now.]

I can assure you that this is no mistake...I am fully aware of what I have done.

Although I can't say the same for you.

[He steps back, placing a hand to his chest as he bows briefly but deeply from the waist; the gesture is highly deferential, though when he speaks again his tone makes it plain that he's far from sacrificing any of his pride in doing so. The usual arrogance remains in both his voice and his features as he straightens up, looking her in the face; if anything, it's stronger than before.]

Again, Guardian, your actions are appreciated...within three days, I will no longer be hindered. Doubt, fear, senseless compassion...all will be obliterated in favor of logical rationality and balanced equations. Nothing will hold me back from my goals...I will be able to do whatever is necessary to ensure my success, and the glory of Team Galactic will come to pass.

If I should succeed in my endeavors, it is you that has made my dreamworld a reality...and it is you that rendered me truly worthy of the ascent as the god of the new world.

And if I should fail...then I am still free of the incompleteness that resides in all creation, poisoning the spirit and tainting this worthless world. If I die, I die complete.

You have ensured my victory over this world, Guardian of Lake one way or another. It is for this reason that I would like you to know that you have my gratitude.


roamin_emotion February 24 2010, 22:32:09 UTC
[Well, the favor had been returned, all right. He had what he wanted... and his words to her only increased the pain and regret in her heart.

What had she done? She did the wrong thing, Mesprit was sure of it, but it was far too late to change what was already in progress - she could already feel his emotions returning to her. The next three days wouldn't hurt him as much as it would always hurt her from now on.

She couldn't think of any way to respond back verbally, though she finally opened her eyes halfway to look back at him. Her tears only grew heavier the more she was reminded of her curse and regret, and there was no chance of them stopping anytime soon.]


distorted_deity February 25 2010, 15:12:15 UTC
[Cyrus doesn't break eye contact, even as the flow of her tears grows stronger; his own eyes are alive, his gaze sharp.]

Hear me, Guardian...your pain will not last.

I have said before that one day, all will awaken in a world without have ensured the salvation of all creatures within this world. They will no longer be slaves to their own incomplete urges...there will be no more senseless killing or maiming. There will be more ways to benefit oneself as opposed to relying on the downfall of others...and ways to benefit the whole without sacrificing oneself.

You don't understand the magnitude of what I am doing. This is both expected and something that I accept. Any pain or fear that you feel will not be allowed to last.

I am not a malevolent deity, after all...I will not allow any of my creations to suffer.

[Despite the fact that the obvious arrogance hasn't left his voice, there's something almost alarmingly genuine behind his words - the conviction in his tone is more than enough to prove that, regardless of how improbable the things he's saying might be, the fact remains that he genuinely believes them.]


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