[In a sudden turn of events, it appears that Paul has recently turned to the
dark side! Pretty surprising that he would ally himself with a guy he once
nearly killed, though it all seems to be some sort of master plan of Paul's to take down this particular enemy once and for all. He has completely vanished from the CMA since the day after Christmas, writing a vague note to his family saying he was merely training his Pokemon in preparation for his battle with Red, which isn't due to happen for a long, long time. He really traveled to the Seven Lakes area for a week to
train as the Mask of Ice's apprentice and is only just now returning.
Paul's looking around warily to make sure no one's in sight before taking off the half-mask he donned to symbolize his "loyalty" to the other side and stuffing it into his backpack. Mind you, though, he looks fairly exhausted and his senses are quite dulled out as a result, so anyone with half a mind to keep quiet and inconspicuous upon seeing something like this can easily spot that strange, strange mask. Those more clairvoyant or spiritual might sense there's something very off about the jerk; much more off than usual. Paul didn't count on that mask having powers of its own, and he's clearly suffering the side-effects in addition to his brutal training. As usual, Paul's trying to pretend there's nothing wrong with him, but talking with him long enough may give you a bit of a surprise.
Whatcha gonna do when he comes for you?]