Good Morning Everyone :) I didn't see Eclipse at midnight, but I did see it last night - and some of the hype is fair, of the three, this is the best. But considering how 'well' the others fared, it isn't saying much.
Considering the last movie I saw was pretty dreadful, this was a nice step up. I was hoping for the DH trailer, but no such luck. My first impressions are these: it was very entertaining, but I don't remember exactly what happened in the book. That was pretty clear pretty early on.
I don't remember the Riley character being so pivotal and I only vaguely remember some of the back stories. They didn't just beat up Rosalie, did they? Those guys before she was turned into a vampire? I can't remember. And I know there are a lot of Jackson Rathbone fans out there, but that hair and accent were both just awful.
I'm getting ahead of myself - for those of you who don't know, the basic idea of the movie is the villian from the last book continues on into this one and comes after Bella, forcing Edward and Jacob to get along to protect her. Most of it is quite predictable, but the acting was slightly better, not from KStew, but that's no surprise. Taylor, once again, brought his A game, though his voice grates on me a bit.
Supporting cast, okay, but a lot of randomness - I liked how Jessica's speech at graduation was so good. For the number of those I've been to, it was done well.
I'm not sure I'm being coherent, and I give up on the synopsis, but it was amusing, worth seeing maybe once more, but better than the other two, only to say the other two weren't that great either.
I still feel bad for the original director and Victoria, both got bounced after the first movie. The stark contrast between the HP movies and Twilight is so obvious, there is just more detail to JKR's writing than Meyers'.
I am hoping for a nice, quiet 4th - hope you all have something nice planned for the weekend! I might take my father to see the Last Airbender in 3-D - he likes 3-D movies :) have a good one gang :)