"emergency" :D

Sep 15, 2010 11:52

Title: "emergency"
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own maotsujun [sadly] and everything is a figment of my overactive imagination.
also, the new brightly coloured kotex tampons are actually white. It's the individual packaging that is coloured.

 this ficlet is dedicated to the U by kotex tampons ^_^

There should be a law against wives making their husbands buy these... intimate female... things, Jun decided as he pulled his black beanie a little lower and adjusted his sunglasses.

"Jun-kun... can you go down to the store and get me a box of tampons?" Mao had tugged on his sleeve bashfully.

"It's an emergency..." She continued, and pouted cutely.

"No way in hell " was  the first thought that popped in his mind but the moment she pouted, Jun knew he was a goner.

And so, here he was, trying to look inconspicuous as he browsed the shelves which held a bewilderingly wide range of tampons. There was tampax and kotex, absorbent and ultra absorbent. Mao had not specified what she wanted. His eyes fell on a brightly coloured box which proudly proclaimed that it contained crayon coloured tampons.

"Hm... Mao would like these. But then, what does it matter if they're coloured? They're still stuffed up... HOLD IT MATSUMOTO JUN! What the hell are you thinking?!?!?!" Jun smacked himself mentally. An old lady eyed him suspiciously. Jun held his breath until she turned away. Thankfully she didn't seem to recognise him. He wasn't too crazy about tomorrows headlines screaming ' Johnny's Elite MatsuJun Buys Tampons!'

He grabbed a few random boxes and, including the funkily coloured ones, and proceeded to the counter. He kept his face smoothly impassive as the checkout guy raised his eyebrows.

Jun let out a sigh of relief as he breezed out of the store.

Mission accomplished!

fanfic, maotsujun

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