So, I recently finished all the endings of Eien no Aselia, and got the extra bonus scene.
That scene was just glorious.
In retrospect, it is a pretty obvious joke, but still.
I've also been playing some Rance 02. It's more like an old school dungeon crawl RPG than a visual novel, but it's still fun.
Mostly because of Rance and how he's such an incredible asshole, but still has this weird charisma that keeps you from disliking him, somehow.
But I'm beginning to get this creeping suspicion that despite being pretty much the worlds biggest asshole, Rance might almost kinda sort of be a bit of a decent human being... Maybe...
Also, his goddamn theme song. You can't hate anyone when the music just oozes "
I'm so fucking awesome!" every time they appear. (But apparently it's suspiciously like a remix of the DDR anthem.
No, not Dance Dance Revolution, Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Or in other words, Soviet Occupied East Germany. O_o)
I'm thinking of starting up Sengoku Rance again, now. >_>
Oh, and also fun fact. Apparently, if you reach level 40 in Rance 02 you can have sex with the level up mechanic.
(As a point of reference to see how ridiculous lvl 40 is, I beat the game at ~lvl 25. To go up a level takes n+100 exp, where n is the exp required for the previous level. Level 25 took 15K experience. So 25 to 40 would take 16+17+18+19-- K experience. You get maybe 50-125 exp per enemy at the final area.)