Apr 18, 2005 10:42
Yikes. Okay, I really REALLY have to start doing this journal more often. Now I have a LOT of ground to cover... *sigh*
Finished the first box of PGSM, started on Season 2 of SM with Talia (That's R for those of you keeping track at home). Finished Steel Angel Kurumi, and can break it down thusly; first season was awesome, OVA was amusing, second season raped the first. I wish I was kidding. It's the Starship Troopers of anime; the names and looks are about the same, the plot is a wattered down version of the other, character is gone, and nothing is even vaugely done right.
Also got through Soul Hunter... fun stuff there. Good ideas, good fights, but it leaves you feeling a little bit wanting. A few things could have used resolution that the anime didn't provide.
Watched Doomed Megalopolis and New Cutey Honey recently. The former was inspiring and interesting in its own right, and the latter... erm... it had costume henshins. That's about it. It was okay, but really, nothing resolved even partly. I felt like there was suppossed to be another disc's worth of episodes to solve things, but no dice.
FINALLY got my hands on the Maze TV box. Ever since Maria had shown me the series I'd been after it, but always managed to miss the 62 dollar sales of the normally 110 box price. But Tony at Comicopolis- bless his fanboy heart -found me the 62 dollar version and got it for me. Yay!
Dai-Guard is utterly under-rated and few people seem to know about it. Having seen the first two discs, I now must amend this problem. It's not that it's a good mecha series, or a good parody series, or a good action series, or a good dramatic series, or a good character centric series. It's that it, so far, in nine episodes, has managed to be all this. It's not stellar on any one of these fields, but actually being good in all of them is pretty bloody rare. I now need to find myself the box set for it (either at AX or for Christmas; too much comes first on the list. @_@) and find out if they really do manage to keep it this good all the way through.
Methinks I've found someone to help me with the Sasuke cosplay, which will now be taking place at AX. Why? Cause I won't be attending Fanime this year. Money, time, sanity, etc. all just went against it. If I went, it'd put a dent in AX, and AX has become my yearly tradition/stress killer. So oh well. Gives me time to prep.
Having tasted marzipan for the first time, I am left wondering why the hell folks like it. It's so... bland. Like tofu when not fried or in miso, I fail to see the appeal from my end of the world.
I am cleaning out my computer at long last. In order to do so, I am making, by using only the best songs and those I have not put onto CDs already, a rafter of new CDs. 14 to be exact. Methinks I like music a WEE bit much.
Centrum is good. Centrum is farking mighty. I finally got a bottle last time I went and did the grocery rounds. Dear sweet mother of fark, I needed it. College living and dining is way too unhealthy to manage properly otherwise and still enjoy lunch.
Work on my series (all of them. @_@) got stymied thanks to some housing issues for next year. Suffice to say, I won't be living with G-Man, Hannah, or Greg come my Junior year. Instead, both Jack and Anais- who I met LAST quarter but only have gotten to know THIS quarter -will be attempting to house together. So with that behind me, I'm rushing to make up for lost time. I need to skeletonize fifteen massive fights, design and describe somewhere around forty new characters, do all the background listings for Dragonfly Season 1, finish mapping Quest of the Locusts beyond the basic skeleton and later key scenes, and will top it all off by trying to break my damn writer's block and finish Echo of Angels. The fact that in one night G-Man, Hannah, Talia, and myself created the concept for a horror manga/LA movie doesn't help. >_<
The movie What's Up, Doc? is rather funny. Go watch it if you haven't. Thank me later. And watch the bags.
100 Bullets is excellent, and would be more so if I had the slightest clue, by book 4, as to where it was going.
My Dad was recently in London and is now in NY, working on a secret project I'm not sure if I can talk about. But suffice to say it involves one of the legends of blues, and both modern and legendary stars of music. Once it's announced properly I'll feel better about talking it up, but until then, I can only say that since he brought the idea to the table, I'm hoping it does really really well.
Sin City was awesome. Marv is who I based the Nexus Citadel version of 11 off of in part. I always loved his story. Having seen it now on the big screen, I love it more.
Note the title of this entry; it refers to my attempt at justification in regards to a recent trip to Borders. In my defence, I finished two manga series and caught up to two more in a single trip, not to mention getting pretty deep into Saiyuki.
Having yammered on in my own uniquely rambling fashion long enough, I leave you with a simple question. Most of those who know of and read my LJ are creators in their own right. So if you could, surefire, have one of the things you have created be a success, what would you chose? And mind you, we're talking long lasting Star Wars level here. So for those of you with multiple creations in mind... just ponder that before answering.
Till Our Swords Cross Again,
Mood: Happy
Music: We Walk In The Dream, by Live