Jul 25, 2004 18:41
Okay, my bad. It was the Stonefire Grill, which sucks far far less. But the conversation went about as swimmingly as I anticipated. So, I got the climax episode and half of episode 12 done, as well as formatting the rest of the season for episode placement. Chip better come up with some good shit for that Iori focus ep, cause his now closes out the focus eps for the season.
Speaking of, where the gweeping frell is Chip, anyway? I called thrice today to find out why he didn't show yesterday, and not once has he picked up. And mind you, it's his frelling cell. Dude always has that thing with him. Damn, man, starting to worry me.
Ace needs to be altered big time. I just can't fit halflings into the Dragonfly universe. They don't work and there's no room to put them in. Sucks for him, but big whoop. I play the Munchkin card Trap! Change Race on your punk ass, thief boy. Go be something else.
And as an aside, I don't know how many of you that I linked to my lj read this, so how about giving me a hint by, gee, I dunno, leaving a message or two every now and again? I keep poping on there to see if anyone replied, and I do respond to responses, seriously. Toss anything in their... questions, comments, suggestions, constructive critisms (sorry to steal that one Talia-san but it's too fitting). Just let me know I'm not just blabbing at me here if you actually read this garbage.
Gonna go do something more productive, like stealing more jpgs. ^_~ Peace.