"Is that thunder or are you rolling for damage?"

Jul 24, 2004 16:43

Oog. I officially hate this move.

Okay, spent Friday busting my chops alongside my equally-chop-busted Mom pulling the entire upstairs apart. It now looks like a pack of ill-manered thieves ransacked the place and jacked all the furnishings we're not taking with us on the move. Hurt my left arm in the process and just ignored it for a couple hours so Mom wouldn't try to do it all herself. Then, after dinner, pulled apart the shelving units in the upstairs family room as well. I was drained and then some.

Got woken up early this morning for the yard sale... well, the community yard sale. Real load of fun. -_- Even woke up with an allergy attack to boot... and I don't mean the minor kind. Downed three Claritins and just went to work. Ended up selling off a decent chunk of the furnishings, including my old desk and chair and my canoe bookcases. Then called Chip to see what happened Thursday... woke him up at 11:35. >_< Damn it, Chip, if you didn't stay out so late, you wouldn't sleep like a freaking vampire. Well, after talking with him and asking him to stop by some time today, I still had no idea why he hadn't shown. He mumbled out the reason, but it sounded like drunken Chinese. Poor dude musta had a hell of a night.

Called Talia after that... ended up talking with her for almost 81 minutes. Kinda peeved Mom, given she was left holding the bag when Dad when to some reunion luncheon. Oops. Well, in my defence, I hadn't spoken to the girl since Wednesday! I needed contact, damnit! >_<;;;;;;;; [hides under a rock of shame]

Twas a cool conversation; went over the bidding war for Naruto and what I plan on doing in the light of One Piece being licensed by dudes the anime community have a death-vendetta against for badly slashing up animes to make them little kid friendly. All I can say is I'm giving them an unbiased chance, which they deserve, both on the Fox Box version and the eventual DVD release. If in both cases I am let down and they have indeed hacked it up, then I will be asking all those I know and leaving word on any forum I can reach that the only real way to handle it is to boycott. If it comes on in your house, change the channel. Don't rent or buy the DVDs or VHSs. Buy the manga, since 4Kids doesn't own its release rights. Ask those you know to do the same. If they do indeed 'ruin' it in their US version, then make them regret paying so much to aquire it. If they're losing out big, they may even drop the license, or have it revoked by the creators. They can't sell us bad hack jobs if we don't buy them, people. But before you boycott, give it an initial shot. See if they managed to keep the soul of the series alive, and if they are smart enough to release uncut DVDs. You wouldn't want to blindly shoot them down if they had finally wised up this time around.

And fyi, FUNimation has my promise to buy every damn Naruto thing they release if they get the rights. Those guys, like them or not, know how to do a long running series, and they know how to keep a series' core in-tact for home release. Fault them not on DBZ; they had to pick up where a crappy group left off, and it was one of their first big babies. Fault them not on the name of Detective Conan; lawsuits were aimed at their skulls, and they had to make it Case Closed. As long as you can watch it at home in subbed form on DVD, do you honestly care that much, fanboys? They also have my total support on Full Metal Alchemist; sooner you release 'em, FUNi, sooner you'll have my cash. Just don't fich up Gunslinger Girl or let anyone make you censor its content.

How the gweeping hell do you take something 2d and make it 3d? I've been posing that question to me several times over the process of making Dragonfly's conceptual designs. I don't mean in terms of art; I mean how do I make guys who were two-dimensional in the game three-dimensional in the anime? It's no fault of Sean's, he did try, but I dread writing any of Corpele's stuff. He played like a PCPed Gimli. How the hell is THAT gonna inspire fans?

Easy; by keeping that insanity in combat and pretending he didn't keep the 'tude outside of combat. By giving him a full and real backstory that makes him more than a run of the mill dwarf. And by making him one innovated Mother-Trucker, to borrow a phrase from AMG. Mining Pick/Shotel Blade/Reenforced Wooden Shield, and a very creative usage for all of the above.

Of course, he isn't gonna be a HUGE character... just an important recurring figure in the same light as Cornell. He'll be there, sure, and he'll be cool. They all have to be cool in their own way. But unless their name is Iori, Shinobi, Suirauqa, Ameratsu, Seta, or Benji, they don't get the top billing. So why care so much about making him three-dimensional and not just a firebrand willing to kill at the drop of a hat? Cause I owe Sean better. He played the Cors like he was playing himself, just as a dwarf or a paladin. And we, admittedly, gave him a hard time for it, especially since he was DM and they just frelling wouldn't stop getting in the way sometimes. But damned if he didn't care about those two sons of bitches. Damned if he didn't care about them like they were his kids. For all the jokes and snide comments, not a damn one of us would have been able to play those iconic characters and have them at top billing without that man. His boys deserve the star treatment. They deserve to be remembered, to leave a lasting impression. It's the best payment I can make to a man that actually allowed the damn Shinbi Codex and the Cloak of Displacement in the first place.

...but Cornell is NOT going to be all "kill you in your sleep". He is an f'n Paladin, genius, and one with honor. 'sides, the BCM already look like morons cause the head of the Evolutionary Forces and the head of the Black Dragon Syndicate both came outta there. I go any deeper in that direction, it'll just suck.

I'm hoping that I can get to the Haruko story's scripting by the end of next school year; I want to try and have Talia voice her. I think she could do the gal real justice... and given Haruko is like one of MY children, that should tell you how much stock I put in her abilities.

Reminds me... gonna need some kind of synth/composing tool to start work on the music in-episode. Just one more thing to add onto the pile... -_-;;

Think I'll chime out for now; gonna go back to looking at random pics for Dragonfly ideas. Character nuances don't pop out of a void, y'know...

Till Our Swords Cross Again,

Mood: Drained but decent
Music: End of All Hope, by Nightwish
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