So today was the crepe party with the woman who gave us cooking lessons... or more accurately, cooked for us while we watched on in adoring glee. And she really went all out today. About twenty people total were there, and we all went away completely full and satisfied.
It was just. AAAH. How to describe. There were lots of little snacky things at first, like olives and nuts (and marshmallows), and then we moved on to various types of salad (none of which I ate lololol) accompanied with deviled eggs and several types of dip for bread and vegetables etc. I discovered I adore dip made from anchovies on my bread. Mmmm, oily salty fish ♥
The main dish was a cassoulet - but broken up into parts, because some people didn't eat pork or didn't eat meat. So I had beans with duck and sausage and some cured pork. And to recuperate from that, we had cheese and bread - during which I discovered that pear on top of brie cheese tates amazing. I HAVE PEARS. I NEED BREAD NOW. AND CHEESE.
And then we had crepes. With little cookies, and she brought out a ton of jams and things to put on the crepes. We each had to flip a crepe, and no one flung theirs into anyone's faces (although it got close), so I believe that counts as success.
This lunch started ~1pm and we got out around 4:30. OVER THREE HOURS JESUS CHRIST. It is 7:30 now and I do not think I am going to have any kind of dessert. I have been resisting sleep since I got back, so I don't wake up at 3am or something. :(
The beans part of the cassoulet. It is actually AMAZINGLY GOOD even if in the picture it just looks like baked beans or something.
Duck, cooked very simply, but still deliciously tender and falling off the bone.
Flipping crepes is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Group shot! /o/ The woman in black with her hand on my shoulder is Madame Mousseron, she who cooks for us.