my landlady totally wears a halo. seriously, the woman has literally saved my sanity.
i've known pat since before i moved to virginia; she dates my dad occasionally and has given me work in the past, and now that i'm pregnant, she wants to be a surrogate grandma. her only daughter wants nothing to do with children, and her son is...well, his offspring would be screwed. i mean that in a nice way- her son just isn't cut out for parent-ship. so when she found out i was pregnant, she was just as excited as my dad was for her chance to influence another youngster's growing up. and lemme tell you, she's a great influence to have.
when doug and i were looking for a place for the two of us, she offered one of her apartments, right on the lake with a great view, and it was cheap. like, really cheap- $500 a month. around here, $500 gets you a cardboard box and maybe a street lamp. so we jumped on it. and we loved it. when doug and i broke up, i kept the apartment because pat didn't know doug and only gave us the place because it was me moving in, and she knew that A: i'd take care of the place, and B: she would have the easiest tenant ever. what we didn't know was how much i'd be struggling financially- no one wants to hire a pregnant girl who's due right at the height of the season (we're a resort town)- 4th of july. but she's been extremely patient and understanding, even when my roommates couldn't pay their part. she's gone 3 months with either late rent from us, or incomplete rent from us.
now, keep in mind that i work in a grocery store part-time only. they won't give me full time hours, regardless of how many times i show up for them when someone else calls out, or how willing i am to be on my feet without a break for hours, or the fact that i've never been late or called out sick. on my best weeks, i make $200. cue struggle. my bills add up to be $1029. what's 4 times 200? eeexxxxactly.
but pat, bless her heart (and her head and arms and feet and etc) said that i'm paid up till september. SEPTEMBER! plus, she gave me money to get liam's carseat or play yard and bottles, diapers, wipes...whatever i need for him. for once, i cried not from stress, but from relief. suddenly, i know things will be ok. i'll be able to save enough money to pay my other bills while i'm out of work, and once my maternity restriction is over, i know i'll be able to get a job that takes care of me and my little dirty diaper factory, and we will be ok.
we will be ok.